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Serial#: DCN027

Attack: Drill Bomb

Debut: Megaman 4 (1991)

Subsequent Appearances:
Megaman 3(GB) (1992)
Megaman & Bass (1998)*

Drillman was so cool... why couldn't he have been in more games? :/

TV Show Appearances: The Big Shake, Showdown at Red Gulch, Master of Disaster

Notes: Dr. Cossack originally designed Drillman as a mining robot. When Wily blackmailed him into fighting Megaman, however, he needed a way to make him more battle-ready. Now, the drills on his arms are packed with explosives that can be fired at his enemy, then detonated when they get close.

Strengths: The Drill Bomb is a weapon of highly destructive power. Drillman can also escape his foe by burrowing underground.

Weaknesses: While he has no evident weaknesses, it'll help to use a seeking weapon that can hit him no matter where he runs.

* Appears in the CD Database