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Serial#: DWN036

Attack: Gyro Attack

Debut: Megaman 5 (1992)

Subsequent Appearences:
Megaman: The Power Battle (1995)
Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (1996)
Megaman & Bass (1998)*

TV Show Appearances: Cold Steel

Notes: Dr. Wily designed this robot for aerial combat out of spare helicopter parts. Gyroman's aerial capabilities make him quite agile. His rotor blade is detachable, and composes his primary attack, which can be performed on the ground or in midair.

Strengths: Gyroman is capable of independent flight. This greatly enhances his mobility.

Weaknesses: Because Gyro spends a lot of time in the air, use a weapon that can easily ground him. Or you can try something that will jam his rotors.

* Appears in the CD Database