Hailed by many as the "Mario All-Stars" of the Megaman saga. The Wily Wars is a remake of MM1-3 with 16-bit graphics and sound, plus the addition of a new game called Wily Tower, which introduces the trio known as "The Genesis Unit".
Story-wise, of course, MM1-3 are the same. Their graphics and sound overhaul was quite impressive for the most part as well. Many complained about the music, but I thought it sounded pretty good. Some of the sprites came out kind of sub-par, however. Bombman and Metalman are just ugly, and Protoman looks like a midgit compared to Megaman. And is it just me, or were the Magnet Missiles altered a bit? It seems a lot harder to hit stuff with them here.
The worst thing about this game, however, is its distrubution. Wily Wars was never released in America in a cartridge format, and could only be downloaded off the now defunct Sega Channel. There is a rom floating around, but it doesn't hold onto save files, which keeps you from being able to try out Wily Tower (You must finish all three games to unlock it). I'll bet Nintendo could release this game for GBA; let's keep hoping.