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Serial#: DWN039

Attack: Napalm Bomb

Debut: Megaman 5 (1992)

Subsequent Appearences:
Megaman 4(GB) (1993)
Best of Megaman (1994)
Megaman: The Power Battle (1995)
Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (1996)
Megaman Battle & Chase (1997)
Megaman & Bass (1998)*

TV Show Appearances: Appears very briefly during the intro sequence

Notes: This robot was clearly built for all-out offense, as he has various weapons installed all over his body, including missiles, and his signature Napalm Bombs, which create tremendous blasts.

Strengths: Napalm is all about one thing; power. He's a walking arsonel capable of devastating a small army.

Weaknesses: Napalm is sensitive to light and is easily disrupted by light-based weapons, or weapons that give off light (like the Crystal Eye).

* Appears in the CD Database