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Serial#: DWN012

Attack: Quick Boomerang

Debut: Megaman 2 (1988)

Subsequent Appearances:
Megaman 3 (1990)*
Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge (1990)
Megaman: The Wily Wars (1994)
Megaman 2: The Power Fighters (1996)
Megaman 8 (1997)**
Megaman Battle & Chase (1997)
Megaman Super Adventure (1998)
Megaman & Bass (1998)***

TV Show Appearances: Robo Spider, The Day the Moon Fell

Notes: Quickman is constructed of a light, yet durable alloy, allowing him to not only run fast, but he is capable of extremely high jumps as well. The launcher on his arm fires small boomerangs in rapid succession.

Strengths: While not that powerful, Quickman is very agile, which gives him an edge even against stronger opponents.

Weakness: Since Quickman’s speed is his greatest asset. A weapon that can slow him down, such as the Time Stopper, is your best shot. Also, his speed comes from a very light frame; wind can blow him around easily (such as the Air Shooter in Power Fighters; fire will melt it (In MM2, Crash Bombs and Atomic Fire are also useful).

* As one of Doc Robot's powers
** Appears in the intro movie
*** Appears in the CD Database