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Serial#: DWN022

Attack: Search Snake

Debut: Megaman 3 (1990)

Subsequent Appearances:
Megaman 3(GB) (1992)
Megaman Soccer (1994)
Megaman: The Wily Wars (1994)
Megaman 7 (1995)*
Megaman 8 (1997)**
Megaman & Bass (1998)***
Megaman Super Adventure (1998)

TV Show Appearances: Bot Transfer, Showdown at Red Gulch, Campus Commandos, Brain Bot, Mega X

Notes: Snakeman is a rather agressive robot that attacks by sending small snake drones at his enemies. He's not as agile as one may think, but his armor and attack power make up for this small setback.

Strengths: Snakeman seems to be a powerful all-around enemy, in nearly every aspect.

Weakness: Snakeman’s armor is tough, like a serpent’s scales. Use a piercing weapon to overcome him, like Needle Cannon shots or Shadow Blades. He's also succeptable to electicity, like from the Spark Shock.

* In the robot museum stage, you can see him inside one of the glass display cases
** Appears in the intro movie
*** Appears in the CD Database