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Angel, The Umbrella Cockatoo



Angel had the nicest day today on April 25, 2003. Here are some pictures we took at the beach. He loved it! He even attracted awhole flock of doves! :) Any comments please email us.


Angel's Adventures!

April 25, 2003

Here he is before our outing to the beach!


Close up!!


Looking down at the floor! Doesn't he look so cute here!!


Here is one of Angel's fave people. Daddy! :) Awww!!! So cute!!



Here he is in his carrying case getting ready for the drive.


Me and Angel being packed into the back of the car. There was 7 of us all together in that little car! We had to go somewhere! Besides he didn't mind much. He liked the ride. I held him (once the door was shut I took him out of the carrier) the whole time. He just looked out the window. It was nice. :)


Me and Angel both looking at the ocean. It was a very nice day.


Relaxing, the sound of the waves I think relaxes him.


Walking back. I had to put back a snail I picked up.


The ocean in the back looks nice don't you think. We share a hug and a kiss. :)


Smiling at each other! :) lol! That's what it looks like.


Chillin' and relaxing. Looking at the other birds flying in the sky.


Here Angel is looking up at a kite that was flying in the sky. Doesn't he look gorgeous. Angel got a lot of attention today! :)


Me, Angel, and Aunty.


Afterwards, as usual, Angel takes a long nap from his long day....:)


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