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Fire Dragon

This is Fluffy! Better known as Sesshoumaru. He is Inuyasha's brother and i think is totally cool! that sounded gay... uh is that his tail? right... too bad Inuyasha cut off his arm. ah brotherly love! have you noticed he's always putting his hair behind his ear? Well, i guess he ha to with all that hair. He is a full-blooded demon, unlike his half demon/half human younger brother. Sesshoumaru's little helper is Jaken. Even though Sesshoumaru mistreats him, Jaken is loyal to him, and helps him out when he can. He's that frog dude. And the girl,who looks about 7 or 9, was reincarnatied by Fluffy. Sesshoumaru seems to have a heart for her only. Sesshoumaru's voice is done by Narita Ken c. (OAV Angelique, Edens Boy, Tenshi ni Narumon) Well that's Fluffy 4 ya!!!^^