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Recycled Doll


-paper or
plastic cup
-white pipe
-felt or
wrapping paper
-manilla folder
-Hello Kitty Head
Click here for
Kitty's head


1. Glue felt or paper around cup(body)
2. Cut a piece of felt or paper out in the
shape of a circle and glue on top of cup
to hide rough edges.
3. Wrap lace around bottom of cup.
Measure.Cut. Glue on.
4. Wrap ribbon around body(middle).
Measure.Cut. Glue on.
5.Cut 2 pieces of lace and glue around
neck area.
6. Cut out a piece of ribbon in a circle and
glue in between the 2 lace pieces.
7. Bend a pipe cleaner around the body
for arms and staple in the back to make
8. Glue Hello Kitty's head on to manilla
folder or poster board and cut out.
9. Cut a strip of manilla folder or poster
board out and fold in half to an L
shape. Secure Kitty's head onto cup by
gluing upper backside of the L onto her
head and the lower side onto the cup.