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Hello Kitty Ornament



-red,white, black and yellow felt


--white glue




--black paper

--tracing paper

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Lay pattern pieces on the matching colored felt.
(Except for whiskers-use black paper).
Draw around the pattern pieces and cut the shape
out of the felt. Glue Hello Kitty's bow, eyes and
nose to head shape. Let dry.

Next glue front piece to back piece along the
bottom edges, half way from cheek to cheek. Let
dry. Take cotton and stuff inside the glued area.
Stick the cord with knotted side down inside the
top of head. Glue the rest of the edges together.
Let dry.

Glue whiskers to Hello Kitty's face. The final
result should look like the image to the right. Use
to hang as ornaments, decorate presents or give
to friends.