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My Ghost Files Page!

The Spirit Detective Saga -

Case 1 - The Artifacts of Darkness:

These are the three Artifacts of Darkness.They were stolen by Gouki,Kurama,and Hiei.First Yusuke fought Gouki.After two tries he finally was victorious and won the Orb of Baast.Next was Kurama who he didn't have to fight.All that happened was Kuram used the Forlorn Hope to save his mother and then gave it to Yusuke.Last Yusuke fought Hiei who had cut Keiko and was turning her into a demon.But Yusuke barely beat Hiei and cured Keiko and retrieved the Shadow Sword.Good work for a first case!

Case 2 - Rando:The Human Hunter/The Genkai Tournament:

In this case they must stop Rando from getting the Psychic Genkai's abbilities.The only way he can is to win the tournament.Of course our Spirit Detective is sent to win Genkai's abbilities and to not let Rando(the human hunter)get the abbilities.Of course Yusuke wins the tournament and starts his training with Genkai!

Case 3 - The Four saint Beasts :

