Card Captor Sakura

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Playing: Catch you, catch me - CCS

Sakura is a normal 12yr old, then she finds the Book of Clow.
A book that is suppost to contain magic cards called the 'Clow Cards'.
When Sakura opens it she finds that it is empty.
With the help of Keroberos (the books guardian), her best friend Tomoyo and rival cardcaptor,
Syaoran Li, Sakura must find and catch all the Clow Cards before they cause any trouble.

This is my favortie of Sakura's outfits.

A good pic of Tomoyo doing what she loves best, sewing.

Group pic of Sakura, Tomoyo and Syaoran

I think these two make such a nice couple.

A sweet picture of Sakura and Syaoran

This is another of my favorite Sakura costumes.