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Playing: Say anything

It's the year of destiny and Kamui Shiro, a powerful psychic, has returned to Toyko after a 6 year absence.
He wants to be with his childhood friends, Fuuma and Kotori.
He wants to protect them from all dangers, but destiny and fate are haunting Kamui and pulling in himself and his beloved childhood friends.
It is his destiny to decide the fate of the world. It is up to Kamui to choose whether he will join the Seven Seals
and become a Dragon of Heaven to save mankind, or join the Seven Angels and become a Dragon of Earth to destroy all civilization so the earth can heal itself.

Kamui and Fuuma are a very popular shounen ai pairing.



Kamui, Fuuma and Kotori all together.

Its raining but i dont think they really care.

I really like this picture.

This is a very interesting pic.

This is a link to the picture i have on my desktop.