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Cardcaptors...or better known in Japan as Card Captor Sakura. I really liked this anime when it showed on Kids WB, to bad it gotten taken off. The three couples I really liked in this series are Sakura & Li, Eli & Madison, and Ruby & Tori.

Sakura & Li
Eriol & Tomoyo
Touya & Nakuru

Story- Sakura was just a regular girl in a regular world. She annoyed her older brother, was late to school, hung out with her best friend Tomoyo and even had a small crush on her brothers best-friend Yukito. That all changed though the day she went into basement of her house and open a magical book.

The book was created by a powerful sorcerer named Clow Reed, in the book he harnessed the power of magic into different entities. Those are called Clow Cards and consist of many different things, the Water, Fire, Earth, Wood, Rain, Cloud and so on. The cards become dangerous so Clow sealed in them in Clow Book. To protect the cards from being realeased Clow made a guardian for them, Keroberos. Kero is the guardian beast of the seal and ruler of the sun. Clow also created Yue, who is the judge of who can posses the cards

When Sakura opened the book she accidentally realeased the cards, Kero awoke from his long beauty nap and made her a cardcaptor since she was the one that released them. Thus Sakura's adventure begins as she tries to get the cards back, her best friend Tomoyo goes along for the ride videotaping Sakura's every move and making costumes for her.

As things are going fine and Sakura stars getting used to being a Cardcaptor a new boy in school shows ups and complicates things for her. The boy is Li Showron, a descendant of Clow Reed who demands to be given the cards. Sakura refuses and the two start off on the foot as Rivals. To make things worst, Li's cousin Melin comes soon afterwards and hates Sakura cause she thinks that she liked Li (Melin likes Li). After a long while of racing to get the cards, Li and Sakura both hold half the cards each and are getting a long a lot better. They don't become friends friends until Judgement day when Yue fights both of them to see who deserves the cards. Sakura wins and Li lets the rivalry go.

Things seem great for a while now that the cards have been captured but them Sakura and Li start feeling a weird presence. The new presence makes itslef present by attacking Tomoyo and Sakura, when Sakura tried using the clow key she finds she can't and realizes that something is wrong. Later on she has a dream about Clow Reed who tells her she must change all the clowcrads into starcards making them her own. At the same time these weird things are happening a new student comes to school. Sakura and Tomoyo are nice but Li doesn't trust him.

The new Magical presence that Sakura and Li feel then causes chaos, in the situations Sakura uses her power to transform the clow cards into Star Cards but doing so takes a lot of energy away from her. After getting really close to transforming the cards the presence is discovered to be the new guy, Eriol H. After Sakura with a little help from her friends defeat Eriol they find out that he is Clow Reed's reincarnation and that the reason he had caused so much trouble was so that Sakura could transform the cards because if she didn't the cards would fade.

After Eriol goes back to London, and Li who's mission was to get the cards at first but then help protect Sakura from the new evil, tells Sakura that he too has to leave. Before he leaves he confess that he has feelings for her. He leaves and Sakura goes home and cries, her tears form a new card, Hope, and that's how the series ends...


Sakura & Li

Sakura Avalon- The new Mistress of the cards. She's very dense but cheerful and happy. She cares a lot about her friends and Family. She's a cheerleader, she had a crush on Yukito (Julian) but realizes she has feelings for Li. Her name means Cherry Blossom which also happens to be her favorite flower. She's 10 and in the 4th grade.

Li Showron- (Aka Syaoran) He likes to play soccer, he had a great dislike for Sakura when they first met. He's good in martial arts since he was trained to collect the cards. He's kinda like a loner, shy hehe which makes him kinda cute. He can be very cold though and mean. He has a big family, most of the time he's serious, doesn't smile much. He practices a lot with his sword and soccer, he's hot tempered when it comes to Touya and kero, and he's very independent. He's also very cute hehehe...he brings out the meaning of "Don't Judge a book by it's cover'. At first he was mean but after a while you see that he's actually very kind hearted.

Anime Hints

There's a lot of cute SS moments that went on during the anime, now i'm gonna go ahead and point some of them out while going AWWW as i remember them hehe...this is gonna be hard since many episodes were skipped when they were shown in the US and i watched them a long time ago so i'm only gonna do the hints i really remember.

  • The Cave- Sakura and Li have their real first talk, Li finds out that Sakura is afraid of ghost. While trying to get the Erase Card that is erasing all of thier classmates, Li and Sakura help each other a lot and Li encourages Sakura to get the card as he disapears.

    Sakura -"They had disappeared! Gho.... is it the ghosts' doings??"
    Li -"No, it's not. Calm down and sense the source."

  • Double Take - The mirror card looking like Sakura causes Havoc, when Li and Melin watch her Melin asks Li "What do you think of you're little Sakura now?" or something like that. Also later on in the ep Li helps Sakura find Touya who has followed mirror Sakura who makes him fall off a cliff.

  • The Switch - Kero and Li switch bodies, Li has to stay with Sakura making some embarrassingmoments since Kero sleeps with Sakura in her room lol.

  • Under The Weather - Sakura is sick but she still goes out to try and capture a card, the cloud card. She's was about to fall of the seal but luckily for her Li was there and he saved her. When it was captured the card went to him bt he gave it to Sakura telling her that she should have it since she came out in that kind of weather. while being sick...awww very sweet ep.

  • The Sands of Time - I didn't see this ep but I do know that Li and Sakura got casted as Prince and Princess in the play, there was a lot of blushing and cuteness ~_^

  • The Final Judgment - Li has lost the fight against Yue for the cards, as he did and yelled at the end Sakura got worried. While she was fighting Yue and was in Trouble Li got worried and wanted to help. At the end when Sakura beats Yue Li and Sakura hold hands and ran around in circles.

  • A strange new beginning- Other people notice how close their getting ~_^

    "Hey, you're right, she does spend a lot of time around him." – Julian to Tori, referring to Sakura and Li.

  • A New Set of Wings - Li goes to the Teddy Bear store with Sakura and Tomoyo cause Eli's going. On they way there he says

    Syaoran: "I also want to go!"
    Syaoran: "Next time if anything happens, dun go alone. Must tell me. I feel that you will in danger

    Then later on Li is being manipulated and attacks Sakura. He tells her to get away from him but she tells him she won't leave him, kinda reminds me of Inu/Kag there lol.

    Syaoran: " ...r..un aw..ay..!"
    Sakura: "I can't leave you here!!!"


  • Running out of time - When the dash card goes crazy and Sakura chases it all over the city, she calls Li for help. Li blushes at the fact that she called him and goes to the rescue. When he gets there Kero points out that that was fats. He say's yeah seems like you could use some help. Sakura answers with a "I knew I could count on you" which makes Li blush. At the end Sakura is out of energy and she falls asleep, Li holds her up so she won't squish kero hehehe.

  • Sakura in Wonderland - Sakura gets pulled into the book "Alice in Wonderland", Li and Tomoyo try to get her out but it doesn't work. Sakura gets out on her own, when she does Li asks if she was ok and then told her that they were worried. She say's sorry then falls towards him, she grabs his shoulder to keep herself up and Li is blushing like a tomato.

  • Li's Calling - I LOVE THIS EP, Sakura asks Eli if her wants to go to the museum with her and Tomoyo, he agrees and Li walks in while that's happening, he gets a scowl on his face and walks to his desk. Sakura then turns to him and tells him about the museum, she then leans foward into him and tells him he 'Has to come' Li blushes and agrees. During the ep Li feels he is no longer need. Yue catches him running away and tells him that he was still very important in protecting Sakura. The next day they go to the museum and Li leaves, Sakura follows him after a couple of seconds in which Li thinks to himself that there's something bad about Eli. Sakura catches up to him at the elevator and they go in but the doors suddenly close leaving them trapped inside. While there Li tells Sakura not to worry, then the elevator goes crazy it seems to be tilting towards a black hole that apperead in one of it's sides. Sakura falls into it and Li tries reaching out for her, she falls and Li closes his eyes, as he opens them he yells "SAKURA!". He's then on his knees with his head down, Sakura then floats back up since she had transformed the float card. Li gets up and hugs her, suddenly the elevator door opens and he lets go embarrassed. Li talks to his mom and tells him he still needs to stay in Japan.

  • Out of Bounds - Li's feelings for Sakura are getting more obvious by now. He feels very jealous towrads Eli and tries showing off in a one on one basketball game against him. Since he was focusing on Sakura he was losing but he did win after some advice from Eli. Later on he blushes as he looks at Sakura in her new battle costume. In the end after Sakura transforms the Shadow Card she thanks Li for everything he has done. Li blushes and the both start leaning into each other only to get interrupted by Kero.

  • A Slippery Slope - The class goes on a ski trip. Li worries about Sakura when she falls on the snow and she does the same for him when he falls off a hill and is about to hit a tree. They have a midnight conversation about their dreams, and when Sakura goes off skiing and there's an avalanche Li gets very worried and says' he should have gone with her. When Sakura comes back with Eli, Li goes to them and carries her piggyback style. He looks at her softly but then glares at Eli lol.

  • The Vanishing Act - Eli knows that Li has feelings for Sakura. Li goes after Sakura when she and Yue get stuck in the maze and illusion card. He then holds her up when she faints.

  • Revelations (pt 2) - Li helps Sakura transform the light and dark cards into Star cards while they fight against Eli. Li leaves back to Hong Kong, in the US version he doesn't tell her he loves her but in the Japan version she does, and when he does she doesn't respond till the end when she goes and catches him before he catches his plane. In the US version when Sakura cries she makes the hope card, in the Japanese Version it's a crad with no name. Li Leaves but hi gives Sakura a Teddy bear.

    Syaoran - "Maybe my powers can be of help.."
    Sakura - "But what if the cards never change?? You will fall into eternal sleep!"
    Syaoran - "Don't worry, you will break the spell."
    Sakura - "Everything will turn up alright."

    Syaoran - "It's truly a good thing that I'd met you. After I came to Japan, I could only think of myself. I could only think about collecting clow cards and increasing my own powers. But you always think about others and helping them. You got alot of things that I don't."
    Sakura - "That's not true! When I first met you, you were so serious and hardworking. You got a lot that I don't, so I..."

(This was thier first meeting ^_^ -----------> This was after he told her he loved her ~_^)

The Manga

I'm not that familiar with the manga but it's almost the same things with a couple different thing like, Tomoyo loving Sakura, Li having a crush on Yukito. The ending though is basically the same except Li comes back all grown up proving that long distance relationships do work lol. It was very sweet ending...

The Movie

*Cardcaptor Sakura: The Sealed Card*

The movie starts out with Tomoyo and Sakura looking at old tapes. Sakura looks at Li ain on of the tapes and wished she could tell him how she feels. The next day Sakura heads to school, her class is going to do a play at the Nadeshiko Festival of Tomoeda and she was in it as the Princess. Takashi plays the prince. That night she's practicing the lines and doesn't notice that something evil is lurking about. The next day she feels a strange power while at the amusement park and runs towards it. She bumps into someone and looks only o find that that someone is LI! They all then go to the park where Melin tells Sakura that her and Li's engagement was off because Li told her he loved someone else. Melin then suggest that Li have dinner at Sakura's, both get a bit nervous.

There's no one is Sakura's house except Kero who's up in Sakura's room. While Sakura's in the Kitchen getting the tea ready Li sits in the living room. She comes out and puts the tea on the table, and doesn't know what to say, so she offers to add some sugar into the tea. Syaoran insists to do that himself, so they spill the sugar. When they try to clean it up together, their hands touched, and both of them backed away, faces burning hot. Just when Sakura thought that it is the perfect chance to tell him how she feels, Kero popped out of no where, and freaks the two out. Kero then pigs out on the cake, Touya comes home and Li goes home.

The next day Sakura is trying out her princess outfit. Meling and Tomoyo try getting the two together alone again but their efforts where destroyed by Touya wearing a big bunny suit. Weird things are happing while all this is going on and Sakura writes to Eriol about them. He phones her and explains tat it's the Void Card, an evil clow card that Clow had to create to keep the cards balanced. Sakura tells Li about her conversation with Eriol and tells him that she doesn't want to go through what she went through when she fought Yue, she went into a world without love. Li tells her it's the only way and Sakura runs off surprised at his cruel attitude.

The day of the play comes along but unfortunatly Takashi injured himself and insisted that Li take his place in the play. The play goes on with Li as the prince and Li and Sakura dance as the play goes on. Li (as the prince) confesses he loves Sakura but she can't accept his love because their kingdoms don't get along or something like that. During the play the Void card attacks. Sakura meets void and they talk about hwy the cards left Sakura, everything seems pretty hopeless so Sakura is sure she's going to lose her feelings, she regrets not telling Li how she felt. She then gets surprised when Void picks Li instead, since Sakura used a lot of her power it was a lot weaker than Li's and so that's why she picked him. Sakura is crying by now and Li tells her that he'll lover her again even after he has no feelings.

Everything starts going back to normal and Sakura then speaks to Li...

" I know you don't have feelings for me anymore, but I don't care. I love you, and your my number one and your the one I care for the most." She can't hold it anymore, she cries, and closes her eyes. She hears him replies gently. "And you're mine..."

She then looks up to see him smiling at her. He says' her name and as the sun rises Sakura summons the Jump card to jump over to him. Li tells her not to but she can't wait and she jumps shouting "I really love you!" Syaoran reaches his arms out to catch her and they hug.... The beautiful End!!!

Eli & Madison

Eli Moon and Madison Taylor can also be known as Tomoyo Daidouji and Eriol Hiiragizawa.

Madison (Tomoyo)- Madison is Sakura's best friend. In the Manga and the Anime eps that didn't show in the US, it was obvious that she had strong feelings for Sakura. Strong as in not just best-friend. She's very talented, she likes to design, she likes to read, she's has a beautiful voice and she's very pretty herself. She's rich, she doesn't see her mother much since she's always working (business trips). She's a great friend, she's gentle and wise. She's a great person who just wants her friends to be happy.

Eli (Eriol) - He's the reincarnation of Clow Reed. He did a lot of bad things towards Sakura but not because he was evil or anything, it was to help her transform the cards in time. He lives with his guardians Ruby Moon and Spiner Sun. He came from London and in the manga he had a relation ship with Kaho Mizuki which is very disturbing cause she's his teacher...O_o;;;. He smiles a lot (lol), he's caring, he's mysterious, he's respectful, and he's wise beyond his years. Sometimes you can't tell whether he's joking, at first he can seem very cruel and proud but he's a good guy.

Couple- They weren't an official couple in the series, actually they never really showed an affection towards each other but friendship. Plus there's the fact that Tomoyo cared a lot about Sakura and Eriol had Kaho (DIE!!!!!) but there's a HUGE fan base that think that Tomoyo and Eriol should have gotten together...why? Well...

  • It was obvious Sakura and Li were gonna get together...or at least i thought so. So it's pretty natural for a person to look at Tomoyo and say awwww...she deserves to be happy TOO! Hey look a cute boy with glasses...ah the possibilties...

  • Kaho is to old for Eriol, she's like 30 and he's what ?10! Come on Clamp...that is just WRONG! Ok so Eriol's the reincarnation of Clow so his mind is way ahead of his years but still...he's 10...he deserves a 10 year old girl

  • Sakura loves Li so Tomoyo had to let Sakura go, who else to turn to but to a sweet guy like Eriol for comfort...hehehe

  • They have SOO much in common. They're always Happy, they're always the calm ones, they're perspective (unlike Li and Sakura hehehe) and they both have musical talent. They're both caring and they both went out of their way to hint to Li and Sakura that they loved each other whether it was by telling them or by making them jealous hehehe.

  • Cause they have millions of fans that think they should get together and cause the fanfics out there are GREAT! BEAUTIFUL! THE BEST!

  • Cause thier Super KAWII!!!!! Look at them together...aren't they so sweet looking? Yes they know you think they are ~_^

Ok so most of these reasons sux but that doesn't mean I'll stop my mind from thinking these two would be the cutest couple ever! They're just good for each other and I love em so if you don't then who cares cause this is my opinion and i say TOMOYO/ERIOL RULE! ET 4EVER!!!!!!!!!

Ruby & Tori

AWW...that's a pretty picture...anyhoo Ruby Moon and Tori Avalon aka Nakuru and Touya.

Tori (Touya) - is Sakura's older brother, he has some magical energy which he gives to Yue so that he wouldn't disappear. A lot of the time he seems liks a pain in the butt but he's actually very caring and protective of Sakura. He teases her like a regular brother would and worries about her when she's sick. In the manga Touya likes his best friend Yukito.

Ruby (Nakuru) - She's one of Eli's Guardians, Ruby Moon. She actually has no gender but she takes a liking to Touya, She's a very hyper and happy. She likes to have fun and one of her favorite things to say is, "This is more fun then going to the movies!" She likes to feed Spinny (Spinner Sun) sweets and she loves drawing attention to herself.

Couple - This is another of my "I wish" couples lol. They aren't together in the anime or manga. Ruby does seem to like Tori though. she hangs on him anytime she can and she's good at giving Yukito the 'evil eye'. Tori is pretty much annoyed by her but that doesn't really stop her from bugging him whenever she can. Tori knew that there was something weird about her, later it was discovered that she hung from him cause she was sucking his magic power ( So who knows if she really liked him...

Even if she didn't really like him or that he wasn't interested cause he liked Yukito, I thought these two would be great looking together, I also think that Ruby did grow a soft spot for Touya.

(lol...Tori looks tres Funny poor him)



Cardcaptor Sakura is owned by Kodensha and Clamp, Cardcaptors is owned by Nelvana. I own nothing and I'm not getting any kind of profit from this site.