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New Recruits

The new recruits of X-men Evo don't get a lot of attention so I thought I would give a tribute to my favorite new recruit couples...the pairings that I would have liked to see together not the ones that actually seemed to like each other in evo, so here they are ^_^

Sunspot & Magma
Bezerker & Jubilee
CannonBall & Wolfsbane
Iceman & Boom Boom


Sunspot & Magma

Honestly, I LOVE The idea of Amara and Roberto together. They would look BEAUTIFUL together and I think they would be good for each other ^_^

Roberto Da Costa-  Roberto has the ability to convert solar energy to physical strength. Sunspot relies on the sun for his incredible strength. While some of the other New Recruits are often seen taking part in silly or dangerous stunts, Sunspot doesn't really join them for them. It's also been said that Roberto has quiet a temper (that sometimes clashes with Ray's).

Amara Aquila- Amara generate fiery blasts and manipulate magma flow. Like many mutants her age Magma is struggling to fully understand and control her powers. She's from a country named Nova Roma, where she's a princess. Since she came over to the X-men she doesn't know some of the technology so she's getting used to it. She can be snobby sometimes but I think she gets it from her Royal pass and all, she generally gets along well with her teammates and others.

Ok, I've said Amara & Roberto would be so cute...and i still believe that heheh. I also think their personalities might be good for each other. Amara is a total princess and I don't think a lot of guys would be able to stand her lol. I think Roberto could though, also he seems to like getting attention from girls (that flirt) and I think Amara would pay a lot of attention to him. Roberto looks like the kinda guy that would want to please his girlfriend in way, that includes gift and thing right? Well come on Amara would definitely want to be pampered lol. As for hints in Evo, there really weren't much since the New Recruits didn't seem to get much on screen time. There was the first time they met though, Amara and Jubilee were talking and sitting on a bench and Roberto did a flip getting the girls to giggle. He looked at them and then got the goofiest was really cute hehe. That's about it but I still Love these two together even if it would never happen ^_^

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Bezerker & Jubilee

Jubilee and Ray are cute in my opinion. Plus for some I reason I just can't see Bobby with her, and I know there's people who like Wolverine with Jubilee but honestly I can't see that either. In my opinion he's more of a father figure...anyhoo Jubes/Ray 4EVA!

Ray Crisp- Ray has the ability to electrical discharge, so can basically have electric energy come out of his hands. He's 16 and he's not afraid to have fun. He's pretty easy going but when the situation becomes serious he will strike hard and quick. He's also known to have quiet a temper (which on occasion clashes with Roberto's).

Jubilation Lee- Jubes is 14 and she can generate "fireworks" of light and fairly minor destructive force. Jubilee is fun-loving and likes to get in trouble like most of the other New Recruits. In a way it's like she's trying to prove herself. After Mystique destroyed the Institute Jubilee's family removed her from the Institute because they didn't think it was safe anymore.

Jubilee is the kind of girl that wants to have fun, and Ray has also shown that he likes to have fun to. I think Ray could give Jubilee the kind of fun she wants ^_^ Also Ray's a bit like the mysterious and moody guy so I think Jubilee could get him to open up and lighten up ~_^ I can see Ray opening up to Jubilee more so than Tabitha cause Tabby dosen't take things seriously, she's the way out going jr x-girl. Jubilee likes to have fun but she knows when to get serious so she would listen to what Ray has to say and be there for him ^_^

(made bye me)

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Cannonball & Wolfsbane

AWWWWW Rahne and Sam would just look really cute together. Plus their shyness makes them seem like ther perfect couple ~_^

Samuel Guthrie- Sam has Thermo-chemical release for propulsion and near invulnerability. In other words he's body can be a lot like a cannon, making him able to fly and smash into thinks...I feel bad for the headaches he must get hehehe. He is relatively quiet and good natured. He is still learning to control his mutant powers, which occasionally are accidentally destructive. He's also one of the new recruits that likes to have fun by going for joyrides or going to the danger room for a quick session.

Rahne Sinclair- Rahne has the ability to transforming into a wolf or werewolf. She's very loyal and relatively well-behaved member of the New Recruits, but was taken home by her parents after Mystique destroyed the Institute.

I think Rahne & Sam would look cute together and they both seem shy. Their relationship seems like it would be a slow, lasting, cute, shy relationship...awwwww. In a way I see them kinda like a Jean/Scott couple. They seem like a couple who would do anything to make the other happy. They would be very sweet and they would be soo adorable!

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Iceman & Boom Boom

I think Bobby & Tabby would be perfect for each other cause they're each other's counterparts. Their other halves ^_^

Bobby Drake- Bobby is able to create ice from moisture in the air and lower air temperature. He is confident and his mutant abilities are powerful, but he's very imature that's probably one of the reasons' he's gonna have a hard time becoming an X-men He likes to cause trouble but sometimes he's pranks goes beyond annoying, instead becoming a danger to himself and his teammates.

Tabitha Smith- Tabby can create explosive balls of energy. Tabitha's father took advantage of her mutant abilities to commit crimes when she was younger. She eventually found a home at the Institute, although her stay was short-lived. She's not a bad person but she lacks discipline and her mischievousness makes her a troublesome guest for anyone willing to take her in. She joins the BoM but that doesn't last long cause Mystique kicks her she goes back to the X-men.

They both like to get in trouble, obviously made to be lol. These to love having fun and hate following directions. I think that makes it obvious that they would get a long great and spend a lot of time together...making life a living hell for others. They both like showing off their powers and I think that might make the relationship funner cause they seem like they would have competitions about it. They'd also be cute ^_^

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X-men (Romy)
X-men (Misc Couples)

The new recruit from X-men Evolution belong to the WB, Marvel and Cartoon Network. They don't belong to me and this site is in no way making money.