Chapter 1*~


            I knew that I shouldn’t be doing this by myself but I had to because nobody else would. I waited for him to leave; approaching the door. I slowly opened it, hearing the sound of a few cries. I walked towards the sound, hearing it grow louder. I walked up to a door opening it. Looking at Aaliyah who was laid out across the bed, her throat cut. I grabbed her, running out of there as fast as I could. There was no way that I was gonna leave her for death. There was no way I was going to let him get away with this again. There was no way I would lose her again.


~*24 hours later*~


            The media was having a field day over this. Aaliyah not really being dead in all. The doctors said she would be fine. They had arrested Matthew but he was so sure he would be out soon. His words to me were that nobody would convict him of this and my job was to make sure it happened. Meanwhile, I just wanted my family back together. They said it was alright for Aaliyah to go home, but suggested she didn’t do much for the next forty eight hours which I knew would never happen. I watched as she slept next to Dana, it had been a rough day. A long day at that. I turned off the light and headed down the hall where I heard music. I looked into Drew’s room and smiled; turning off his tv and pulling his comforter over him before I closed the door and headed back out into the hall; seeing the light coming from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen, coming up behind her and wrapping my arms around her waist. “What’s up chica? Why aren’t you asleep?”


            She laughed, turning to look at me. “I wasn’t really tired. I’m just a little confused.”


            “About?” I asked and hugged her before moving towards the fridge and opening it slightly and looked back up to catch Stephanie’s eyes.


            “Well why would he want to hurt Li? She’s such a great person. I just don’t understand....”


            “Matt is just an arrogant son of a bitch who feels like he is totally oblivious to the law. He feels like he can do what he wants and I don’t quite understand why he treated Li the way he did but he certainly did not do it out of love or as a accident.” I said and shrugged and looked at her. “The good thing is, it looks like he will be going to prison for life, so hopefully we’ll never have to worry about him again...By the way do yo know where Alex is?”


            “She’s upstairs asleep. She couldn’t hang.” Stephanie sighed and propped herself up with her palm. “Wanna make the ultimate sandwich?”


            “You’re on.”


~*Four days later*~


            It was going to be at least four months before they could even start Matt’s trial and meanwhile we just tried to keep everyone’s sprits up. I looked at Li and she looked back at me. Laughing. That’s when the kids looked at us like we were crazy and we started to sing the one song that you would hardly ever hear. “I can’t believe this.” I looked at Li who handed me a brush and we laughed dancing with each other. “Girl, I can't understand it why you want to hurt me, After all the things I've done for you., I buy you champagne and roses and diamonds on your finger -, Diamonds on your finger -, Still you hang out all night, what am I to do?” I sang and looked at Aaliyah who was already laughing and the kids were really staring at us now.


            “My girl wants to party all the time, Party all the time, party all the time., My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time.....” We sang through laughter and I looked at Aaliyah who was doing the William Hung dance moves and that’s when I started choking.


            “She parties all the time - party all the time...She likes to party all the time - party all the all the time - she likes to party all the all the time....”


            “Girl...I've seen you in clubs just hanging out and dancing.....You give your number to every man you see....You never come home at night because you're out romancing...I wish you bring some of your love home to me....But my girl wants to party all the time. . .My girl wants to party all the time...” I sang back and looked at the kids, Dana was shaking her head. Drew was laughing and Alexandra had joined in by now.


            “ she likes to party all the time....She likes to party all the time -...She lets her hair down...she lets her body down:...She lets her body... lets her body down....” We sang and I laughed as Dana stood up.


            “MY parents are crack heads.”


            “Wait Dana! You’re gonna miss my high note!!! Come back!!!” I yelled as I watched her shake her head and walk out. “Party all the time - do you wanna get any party...yeah...”