Chapter 12*~


            “I have you seen the peanut butter?”


            “Ummm...” Aaliyah rose an eyebrow and hid it behind her back. “Nope, haven’t seen it.”


            “Hand it over sticky fingers.”


            She sighed and sat it on the countertop, walking away from the kitchen.    


            I had no idea what was her problem but I’m sure it was something about the whole Beyonce incident, because once she brought it up I had to tell her the whole story and she was pretty pissed off when I told her the entire story from the beginning. “I don’t know what the hell your problem is Li but straighten up that attitude.”  I could hear her laugh from the hallway and I knew that laugh perfectly, it was her sarcastic laugh; yes she had one. I think when she first brought up Beyonce yesterday she wasn’t surprised to know that I had slept with her, probably because I was pretty good at cheating on her with other women. Sure I’m an asshole, but does it sound like I care?


            “Fuck you Justin.” Her voice echoed down the empty hall and I heard the sound of the door to the study opening and slamming, oh hell no she just didn’t slam that door.


            The kids were all gone thankfully and it was just me and Li for the summer. All the kids were either with my mother or Aaliyah’s mother so it was pretty quiet, all considering. I shook my head and continued to make my sandwich. I was hungry and hell Li was not going anywhere anytime soon. I finished the sandwich and cut it in half before walking down the long hall and opening the first door at the end. I looked in, the curtains were flying in the wind, books were scattered across the floor, and there was mustard, asleep as usual right there in a chair. I closed the door behind me and headed down the long row of books. There had to be around 10,000 books in the room since all Aaliyah and Alexandra did was read. I finally made it to the very end and saw that the screen door to the enclosed porch was open. She was out there. I stepped outside and looked over to a cot that was facing towards the ocean and  walked over, meeting eyes with her. “What are you watching?”


            “The storm roll in.” Aaliyah simply stated and pointed out towards the ominous ocean. The waves were coming in at high tide now. “What do you want?” She asked and looked up at me, her eyes were dark. Usually I could read her expressions but this time was different. She had become very good at hiding her emotions and this was one of her times.


            “Why do you continue to do this to me?”


            “Do what to you Justin?” She scooted over to let me lay down beside her on the cot and I looked out the glass at the rain that was now falling at a steady pace.


            “Hide your emotions from me?”


            “It’s something I’ve learned to do. I learned a long time ago that if you show emotions you are just waiting for trouble.”


            “But if you don’t show me your emotions Li, then I don’t know what to expect from you baby. I don’t know what would make you better, what would make you smile, what I could do to make it up to you for every stupid thing I’ve done.” I looked over at her and watched the tears roll down her cheeks, falling down onto her chest.


            “Why do you continue to act like you don’t love me?”


            I sighed and touched her face softly and looked at her. “I love you more than you will ever know Li. Sure I have a really fucked up way of showing it but don’t ever question me loving you alright?” I watched her nod and I wiped under her eyes and kissed her forehead softly. “By the way, I brought you this half of my peanut butter and jelly since I took your peanut butter from you.”


            She laughed and shook her head as she took the half of sandwich and leaned against me. “You shouldn’t have.”


            “I know but hey I could at least do one right thing for you.” I kissed her hand and winked.


            “I’m gonna go down to the beach for a little bit.”


            “In the rain?”


            “Sure, a little water has never hurt anybody before.”  Aaliyah stood up quickly. And opened the door to the yard. “Are you coming?”


            “Sure” I ran up to her side and took her hand in my own as we ran down to the beach. I watched as Li walked out towards the water. Ever since she bought the house she was always fascinated with the weather that came long the coast all the time. Her drenched hair hung over her bronze colored shoulders as she stared out into the one place that always made her feel like things didn’t matter.


            “Look, a cyclone.”  Aaliyah pointed out into the ocean at the swirling formation of water about 20 miles out. Normally it would be pretty dangerous to stand there but we stood there. Holding each other tightly. Our wet bodies caressing each other.


~*Later That Day*~


            “How’s Li doing now?”


            “Better but you know how she is, she’ll have a new problem by tomorrow.” I looked at Alex and shrugged. “So how’s it going with teaching Skylar how to ride her bike?”


            “I gave up two days ago...” Alexander shrugged and laughed. “I just can’t do it.”


            “Oh come on, it couldn’t have been that bad. I mean I think I scarred my kids for life when I taught them how to ride their bike. Drew started crying and I started to yell, ‘There is no crying in sports! You’re starting to make your sister look good!’ he seemed pretty scared. Aaliyah said I was being too hard.”


            Alex fell over to his side and laughed. “You are so cruel to those poor kids. They really are going to have emotional issues; between you and Li, you’re gonna make those kids so screwed up.”


            “Hey I had to give them some word of inspiration.” I smiled and looked at my watch. “Where are those crazy ass chicks?”


            “We’re right here,” Adriana said and leaded against the doorframe and looked at Aaliyah who  was leaning against the opposite end of the doorframe.


            “And if we’re crazy you like us like that.” Aaliyah added in and crossed her arms across her chest. “Are you two ready go?”


            “We’ve been ready, we were waiting for you two beauty queens to get ready.” I said and stood up, stretching. “By the way, you all look nice.”


            “Suck up,” Alex said and laughed, shaking his head.


            “Look we have to gain points with the enemy someway.”  I shrugged.


            “You guys are ridiculous, come on you two.” Adriana shook her head as they walked out the door. Tonight was gonna be a long, long, night.


~*The Next morning, 6:30 a.m.*~


            I sighed and looked over at the clock. 6:30? Why in the hell would anyone be up at 6:30? I tried to drown the sound of the water in the bathroom but it just wasn’t working. I groaned and stepped out of bed and headed into the bathroom, closing it behind me. I looked over at the glass shower and I walked over there, stepping on the ledge of the outside of the shower; taking my finger up to the glass and writing on it. Good morning. I laughed slightly as I watched the words appear next to where I had written and then watched the words, come on it appear below it. I smiled to myself and threw my boxers to the side, climbing into the shower with her, a wide smile on her face. “You’re up early? What’s with the rush?”


            “I have a case to go over this morning...” Aaliyah sighed and closed her eyes as she let the warm water run through her hair before looking back at me as she felt my hands roam her naked figure. “Justin we can’t do this...”


            “And why not?”


            “Because I don’t have the time for this...I need to go over this case before I go pick up Skylar from Adriana and Alex so they can get to work early this afternoon.”


            “Are you sure...” I said as I backed her up against the wall of the shower and kissed her neck. “That you don’t have time for this?”


            “Now that I thought about it....I’m not so sure anymore...” She moaned as she skimmed my chest with her hands.


            “How much time can I buy off of you before you become too busy to even acknowledge that I still am living.”


            “You have an hour, use it wisely.”