Chapter 15*~


            I sat by her side as she slept. I told my mom to keep the kids away from the hospital at all cost. Li hated the kids to see her when she was down and out. Something about not wanting them to see her so weak and not able to do things for herself. I ran my fingers through her hair as I sang softly. “I don't know, So confused, What to do, How bout you, Please don't pull away from me, I don't know, So confused, What to do, Feelin you, And in the end you ask me...”


            feels so right lovin you...feels so right touchin you...” She answered in a whisper and gazed over at me, a smile upon her lips. “Hi,”


            “Hey,” I stared at her and it was pretty quiet for awhile before she laughed and  I rose an eyebrow.


            “Hey look at me,” I turned to look at her and she took her hands up to my face and gazed in my eyes, kissing my forehead softly. “I’m fine. You really don’t have to worry about me.”


            “What in the hell happened? That’s all I’m confused about. What happened, do you remember anything about yesterday?”


            “All I can remember is me hearing something and I started to run and that’s when everything went black, I have no idea what happened and why it happened.” Aaliyah sighed and looked down at her hands before looking back at me. “Wanna know something?” I nodded and she turned on her side to look at me while still lying down. “I think sometimes that you and the kids are better off without me. It seems like I bring the drama every time and If I wasn’t there to cause you all soo much trouble y’all would be fine.”


            “You possibly can’t believe that me and these kids would be better off without you. I personally would kill myself if you left me with these kids.” I watched as she laughed and I shrugged. “What? I’m serious. They’re cute and all but I don’t know how in the hell you handle all of them every day.”


            “Well I think mothers learn every time they raise their children, so when you have a large amount of kids such as we do, you kind of get use to the noise, the trouble, and just the crying.”


            “Yeah...I still would kill myself first.” I laughed and ran my hand down my face. “We have to do something about Karen and Matthew, this shit is really starting to piss me off. They just don’t give up. I think this time it was Matthew though who had his eye out for killing you.”


            “Matt? But he’s in prison.”


            “Yeah but you know how he promised to come back to kill you? I seriously think he’ll keep his word and he has communication with Karen all the time, so who knows what they’re planning as we speak.”


            “Yeah you do have a point, but what in the hell are we supposed to do about them? Seriously it’s not like you’re going to go out and kill them.” She looked at me and shook her head. “No way, don’t you even consider that Justin Randall Timberlake, I am not playing. You have kids and a family you have no time to become a part time serial killer.”


            “Then what else am I gonna do Li? You can’t seriously think I am going to sit here and wait for those mother fuckers to come back and try and get you again. I am so sick and tired of them playing these fucking games and it’s about time that they finally get to feel a little pain of their own. I am getting too old to be putting up with this shit.”


            “Oh yeah cuz everyone knows when you turn thirty your life is over so at twenty-seven you better start doing shit that could possibly get you thrown in jail for the rest of your life.” Aaliyah said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.


            “Look you can say whatever you want but don’t hate me for loving you and wanting to move on with our lives without the hassle of possibly getting killed.” I looked at her and let out a deep sigh. “I don’t care what happens to me, I just hope that if I do die, that I die knowing that you were safe.”


            “Don’t say that. You aren’t going anywhere anytime soon honey. I hate to say this but if you have a plan, lay it on me. If you go down. I’m going down with you.” She let out a long aggravated sigh and laughed. “I swear you are soo much trouble.”


            “Like you aren’t miss thing?” I shook my head and leaned back against the chair and smiled. “So anyway this is what’s going down...”


~*Three Weeks Later*~


            As I woke up that morning it smelt pretty good, mostly you could smell cinnamon which meant Aaliyah was probably trying something different yet again. I wasn’t complaining, trust me. For a stick, the girl could cook. As I started down the hall, the sound of faint music floated through the air. Music instead of screams, that probably meant the kids were already gone for the day. YES! I tried to convince Li once that if we sold them on the black market that we could get a lot of money, but instead she just looked at me and hit me in the head with a book. Come on if someone could make 2 million dollars off a grilled cheese sandwich on Ebay! I could most certainly get about 10 million off all my kids.  As I walked in the kitchen she turned around to look at me, a smile on her face. Someone was in a good mood today. “Good morning.”


            “Good morning.” Aaliyah turned off the stove and passed me a plate of food before taking her own and sitting down across from me at the table.


            “So what are you doing up so early missy?”


            “I decided that I would get a early start with the kids gone and all, and make us breakfast.” She said before she ate a bite of her eggs. “So anyway, since the kids are gone how do we plan on putting this wonderfully dangerous plan of yours into action?”


            “I say first we take down the instigator of all of this shit.”


            “Take down Karen’s trouble making ass and you have everyone else involved.” Aaliyah watched as I nodded and rested her chin in the palm of her hand as she looked at me. “But how in the hell do you plan to do that?”


            “Just let me do what I do best alright?”


            “Fine I won’t ask any questions.” She shook her head and continued to eat, glancing out the window. “Just promise me one thing.”


            “And that is???””


            “ I want a piece of her little ass, don’t ruin her entire life without me getting to do some damage myself.”


            “Fine, just don’t be too hard on her.”


            “What could I possibly do to hurt her?”


            I watched as Li’s smile widened and I just shook my head. Not even wanting to know what in the hell she was thinking. Sometimes it was so much better to not think about what she was thinking because it was just too dangerous sometimes to get deep within her thoughts. “Many things.” I looked at the look on her face and laughed. “Don’t look at me with that little smile, go get dressed and I’ll call her.”


            “Alright, tell her to hurry though, because I want to get this over with. The quicker that her ass gets scared shitless, the better my life becomes.” She moved past me quickly and up the stairs before I could even comment. Sure it was my plan to take Karen down but I knew that Li would soon become the mastermind behind the entire plan when I could hear her singing from upstairs her favorite line; quoting it straight out the song. “We’ll burn you...we’ll cut you...we’ll kill you, but we don’t have to take it no more.”