Chapter 16*~Snip Snip


            “I can’t believe you called me over here.” She looked at me and I shrugged. I couldn’t believe I called her over too.


I shook my head and smiled softly. “Yeah well Li is gone out of town for a little while and I wanted to talk to you.”


“About?” She looked at me and I shrugged.


“About us...” I watched the smile appear across her lips and I grinned. Damn was this too easy. See this was the advantage of having soo many people wrapped around your finger. They would do anything for them. If you told them to jump, they would ask how high. That’s exactly what Karen was doing right about now. Sometimes it was too great being me. “I mean you were right about Li the entire time. She’s a complete pain in my ass and I just don’t understand why we’re still together. I’ve always loved you and I’ve just been acting like I haven’t so I won’t hurt Li. You have always been the one woman in my life.”


“Finally you understand.” Karen sighed and put her hands on her hips as she looked at me. “Are you serious? Or is this some sick joke.”


“Oh I am so serious honey...”


“He’s so serious that it freakin hurts...”


“What?” Karen turned around and hit the floor hard as she got hit across the head with a lamp.


“ didn’t have to do that.” I looked at Aaliyah who shrugged.


“So what, the bitch can take it. She’s taken soo much already.” Aaliyah shrugged and kicked her. “She’s out cold at least. Monkey feels no pain.”


“You have to be one of the most sadistic people I’ve ever known.” I watched as a wide smile appeared across her face.


“Well you love me anyway. Now come on. I have plans for her.”


~*3 hours later*~


            Karen slowly opened her eyes; panicking as she looked around the pitch black room. She looked around for anything that could tell her where she was, but was startled by the sound of heels clicking across the hard pavement. She looked up as the light turned on and she laughed shaking her head. “You bitch,”


            “Aww, come on why do I have to be a bitch? You know you love me sweetie.” Li smiled softly as she took a chair and sat down in front of her. “Have a nice nap?”


            “I always knew you were some crazy ass bitch. But did Justin listen? No because I had to be the one that was crazy. By the way where is Justin?”


            “He’s around here somewhere. He told me to give you this to break the headache, because you head has got to hurt after that bad ass fall.” Li sighed as she handed Karen the Tylenol and a glass of water.


            “You know they’ll come looking for me and your crazy ass will go to jail right?”


            “Me go to jail? Oh no, no, no honey. See this is the plan. You do as I say, or I can inflict some pain.”


            “Justin will not let you do anything to me. You may think that he’s just like you, but he’s nothing like you.”


            “Oh really?” Li laughed slightly and looked at the stairs. “Want to talk to your crazy ass ex honey?”


            “Sure.” I smiled as I watched the look on Karen’s face drop from confident to scared in three seconds. I sighed and sat down next to her and shrugged. “So we can do this the easy way and you may walk away with only a few cuts and bruises or we can do it the hard way and I could let Li kick your ass.”


            “We can be nice, or I can do what I would have done to Matt.” Aaliyah sighed as she sat the gun out of her back pocket onto the table in front of them. “Don’t think of grabbing the gun. There’s no bullets in it.” I laughed as I watched Karen put her hand back to her side and look at me. I shrugged.


            “You’re going to let her do this to me?”


            “Look you’ve done more to her than anyone can imagine. She has every right to mutilate you and drop your body on the side of the road.” I shrugged and smiled softly. “Some anyway Li tell her what you wanted to say.”


            “Oh yeah that’s right. First off, if I were you I would tell my boyfriend to back off. If Matt tries me one mo time it’s gonna be on. I am so tired of him trying to kill me. Secondly, if you’re going to try and kill me, do it right. You can try all you want but I am like your worse nightmare. I don’t just disappear. Anyway stay away from me and my kids. Now I could let you walk away now but I think it’s crucial that you know I’m serious.”


            “What...what are you going to do?” Karen finally got out and watched Li slowly as she leaned in her chair towards me.


            “I just wanted to do this.” Aaliyah said and pulled the knife out of the wall, pulling it down in one swift movement, removing her pinky. “You gonna do as I told you?”


            “Shit! You FUCKING BITCH!”


            “What? That didn’t sound like the right answer....Mind repeating that for me?” Aaliyah sighed and she slammed down the knife just centimeters away from Karen’s hand.


            “I understand! I’ll do what you told me! YOU BITCH!”


            “Alright, because I mean we can make sure you lose a lot more than just your pinky.” Aaliyah stood up calmly and shrugged. “We could always take an eye...”


            I looked at Aaliyah who was smiling. I’m sure Karen wouldn’t be fucking with her for awhile.


            “Because you know what. I don’t beat bitches up honey. I scalp them...and next time you put me, my husband, or my children in danger, bitch I will come and haunt you down got that?”  Karen nodded timidly and Aaliyah started up the stairs.


            “Aren’t you going to help me?” Karen practically screamed and looked at me.


            “Fine, here’s your pinky. You may want to hurry. The hospital is about two hours away. Don’t want to lose that finger. You may need it some time later in your life.”