Chapter 4*~


            It was the day of  Dana’s bone marrow transplant and all we could do was hope and pray for the best. Drew was a match and we decided to talk about it with him and even before we could ask him he had come to use saying he would do anything to save his sister. That was so cute; we just hoped he felt the same way when he got older. I looked at Li who was sitting next to me playing with Drew. I just couldn’t believe she took me back so quickly as she did. Actually I expected that she would hate me and she wouldn’t even would acknowledge that I still lived. I was glad I was wrong for once.


            “Hey daddy look!” Drew yelled as he looked at me and smiled, showing where his tooth came out.


            I laughed and looked at him shook my head. “You’re gonna make the tooth fairy bankrupt losing all those teeth.” I looked at Aaliyah who smiled widely and shook her head.


            “Do you think this time I’ll get a dollar?”


            “Maybe, but just don’t lose it aight baby boy?” I watched as he nodded and gave him a high five. I looked at Aaliyah who was staring at the door. I knew she was a little scared and that she was as anxious to see what was going on as I was.


            “We’re back, alright a coffee for Li, a coffee for jay, and a juice for Drew.”


            “Thank you.” I looked at Adriana and Alexandra and smiled softly. Alex had taken baby Naomi with him to his parents house this weekend so Adriana said she would come and help us with Drew and Alexandra. That girl would do anything for us.


            “I’m going to head home, I’m gonna take Drew and Alexa with me, maybe take them out for lunch and a movie.”


            “Alright be careful you all.” Aaliyah said as she watched them head towards the elevator. She closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples. She looked over at me, catching my glance. “I’m so scared.”


            “So am I,” I said as I held her close to my chest feeling her cry into my shoulder.


            “That’s my baby...I don’t know what I would do if something ever happened.”


            I kissed Aaliyah on her forehead and ran my hand down her back. “I know, I feel the same, but it’s out of our hands baby and all we can do is pray for a miracle.”


~*3 Hours Later*~


            I looked at Aaliyah who was knocked out cold. She had been asleep for about half an hour and she was pretty drained out. I looked at the door as it opened and looked at the doctor who was smiling. Obviously it was good news.


            “She’ll be fine. It went great and she’s up and alert so that’s wonderful. You have yourself a strong little girl Mr. Timberlake. You can go see her, she actually woke right up asking for mommy and daddy so feel free to go in there alright.”


            “Thank you so much.”


            “You’re very much welcome.”


            I smiled and tapped Aaliyah slightly on her shoulder and looked at her as she stretched and opened her eyes. “You wanna go see Dana?” I watched her nod and watched as she outstretched her arms. I laughed and picked her up, feeling her wrap her legs around my waist as she rested her head on my shoulder. I knew she would be back asleep in about three seconds but I didn’t mind. Finally we reached the room and I opened the door and walked in and closed the door behind me. I laid Aaliyah down on the bed they had set up next to Dana’s so that Aaliyah could continue to sleep. “Hey D, how are ya baby girl?”


            “Good,” Dana smiled softly and looked over at Aaliyah and laughed lightly. “Is she ok?”


            “Yeah she’s fine just  a little tired. It’s been a long night for her. So are you feeling much better?”


            “Yep, a lot better actually...” She yawned and closed her eyes. “Thank you...”




            “Being here.”


            “I would anything for you baby girl. That’s because we all love you.” I kissed her on her forehead and ran my fingers through her hair. “I’ll always love you.”


~*4 week later*~


            “Give it back Dana!!!!”


            “It’s mine!!!”


            “Dadddddyyyyyyyyy.............” I sighed and looked over at Aaliyah who just sighed and shook her head. “What’s going on you two?”


            “Dana took my ball!!!”


            “Nuh uh! I was playing with it first!”


            “Look share the ball alright, or else don’t play it at all.” I watched the looks on their faces and sighed as they started yelling at each other all over again. I looked over at Aaliyah who looked agitated and that’s when I knew she had had enough.


            Aaliyah picked up the pen off the table and stabbed the ball with it, watching it deflate. “There now it’s nobody’s ball.”


            We all stared at her. That was pretty out of character for her to do. I watched as she rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. Something was bothering her and I was going to find out, one way or another...