Chapter 5*~


            I looked over at Aaliyah who was getting dressed. It had been relatively quiet this morning. Aaliyah usually be extremely cheery in the morning but all she did was sit quietly. Keeping to herself. I shrugged and looked back at the tv. If she wasn’t going to talk to me then I wasn’t going to make her. I felt her hand on my shoulder and I looked up, looking her in her eyes. “Oh so now you want to talk huh?” I watched her smile and I smiled back; feeling her sit down next to me. “What’s up baby girl?”


            “I don’t know if I can do it anymore...”


            I looked at her; confused. She couldn’t do what anymore? “Wait hold up, what are you talking about? You can’t do what anymore?”


            “I can’t raise anymore kids, I just can’t...”


            “Wait hold up...” I sat up, looking her straight in her eyes knowing that if I caught her glance she would have to tell me the truth because she was known not to lie if you looked her straight in her eyes. “Anymore?”


            “They’re driving me crazy and I’m only twenty eight Justin, this is making me so sick to my stomach literally.”


            My eyes widened and I looked at her. “Are you pregnant?” She didn’t even have to talk I just knew. I bit my lip and looked at her, she looked at her hands, keeping her eyes away from mine. “You’re not considering a abortion are you?” I watched ahs she nodded and I couldn’t help but laugh. I know it may seem like a bad time but I just couldn’t believe this shit. “You can’t...there is no way I am going to let you kill a child, I’m sorry. I will not let you do that.”


            “Have you ever thought that this is my choice?” She turned to look at me, tears falling down her face. “Do you think I want to make this decision?!” She yelled and looked at me still crying. That’s when I knew I should have just left it alone. “All men are the same. You always fed me this shit about how bad of a person Matt was but the thing is, you’re just like him. You are the fuck like him. You both felt like oh it doesn’t matter what the fuck she may feel because it doesn’t matter. You know what fuck it. Fuck everything Justin! I hate my fucking life and you know what, I’m starting to wish that I was really dead! Why could have I just died?”


            It was just better to let her blow off all that steam. I was in no mood to fuck with her now. I knew where it left me last time. I looked at her wrist that was bandaged up. It had never really caught my eye but this time it seemed a little too obvious to let go. “Are you done?” She turned around and glared at me. Shit; shouldn’t have said that. “What happened to your wrist?”


            “Cooking, I was cutting some vegetables and Drew was talking to me and I accidentally cut myself that’s all.” She grasped her wrist. “I need a beer.”


            “Wait!” I watched her turn around and looked at me. “When did you start drinking?”


            “I’ve been drinking since the day I met Matt. You know the stress got to me, I just never drank in front of you.”


            “Hold it, you can’t drink. Not while your pregnant. Nope, not letting you do it.” I stood up and jogged up beside her. “You know what, if you’re not going to listen to me I’m going to be by your side all day long.”


            “Do you have to?” She watched me sigh and shrugged. “I guess there’s not protesting so come on.”


~*5:32 p.m.*~


            “She wants to have an abortion.”


            “Are you going to let her?” JC looked at me and shrugged. “It’s her choice, you can’t tell her no technically.”


            I looked at him. “I can’t? Or I won’t?” I watched as he shrugged and laughed slightly. “What’s so funny?”


            “Li is a headstrong woman. She’ll do what she has to do to get what she wants. Trust me, we both should know how she works.”


            JC and Li had a brief relationship. It ended not because he wanted to end it but more because I told him to back off. Pretty nice of me right? “Yeah, but her ass knows where her priorities lay.” Yes that was my cocky side. Haven’t seen it much since the kids were born but it came out every once in awhile, usually when I was pissed off at Li.  “She better not even try it or else her ass is mine. She must think I’m kidding but I am so serious. I will be so pissed off if she goes through with it.”


            “Stop being so hard on her.” JC looked at me and sighed. “She has had too much happen to her, please be good to the girl. She has so much going on in her life right now. I’m sure she’s just scared. Let her work through her problems by herself. Don’t try and add your input. She’s a grown woman. She knows how to take care of herself.”