Chapter 6*~


            “I like it, I think it’s cute.”


            “Muy?” Drew questioned and watched as she nodded. “Gracias mommy.”


            “De nada.” Aaliyah smiled softly and watched as he ran off.


            “Are you feeling any better?”


            “You mean attitude wise towards you?” She bit her lip and looked at me, a grin plastered on her face. “Nope, fuck you.”


            “You are such a bitch...” I muttered and could feel her eyes burning a hole into the side of my head. I turned and looked at her, catching her glance. “Yes and I meant every part of it.”


            “So what,” She smiled and leaned against me, her feet under her. “You’re a self centered asshole but it doesn’t make me love you any less.” Aaliyah smiled as she kissed me softly and turned to look over at Dana who was skipping around with Skylar, Adriana’s daughter. Skylar was four but sure was just like Dana. Hyper ness and all. “Be careful you all!”


            “They’ll be fine...” I kissed her and rested my head on top of hers, “Josh told me to tell you hi.” I felt her move to look at me and I laughed. “What?”


            “You are so evil.” She laughed and hit me. “You said that on purpose.”


            “What?” I laughed and looked at her. “Have I ever lied to you?” She laughed and that’s when I knew her answer. “When?”


            “A lot of times.” Aaliyah laughed and sat on my lap, and touched me on the tip of my nose. “Like when you said that Dana at the last of the cookies, but really you had stashed them so you could eat them later.”


            I laughed and watched as she narrowed her eyes.


            “My kids have a father that is a good liar.”


            “Well I fooled you didn’t I?”


            “Yeah but it was pretty mean.”  Aaliyah placed her lips on my ear and smiled. “It’s not nice to lie, it sounds to me like you’re going to make Santa Clauses bad list this year.”


            “Yeah, but you’ll be right there beside me missy, you’ve been pretty naughty yourself.”


            “Really? I don’t think that I’ve been naughty...I’ve just been incredibly nice to you.”


            “Oh really? You have a weird way of being nice Ms. Haughton...” I said and ran my hand down her back placing a kiss on her neck.


            “Really Mr. Timberlake? I believe that my way of being nice is the only way...I don’t want to go too soft on you baby boy. You need a little order in your life. Who else will straighten your spoiled rotten ass out?”


            “Me spoiled? I think it’s you who’s spoiled...” I kissed her and laughed as I heard the kids in the background.


            “AHHHHH MY EYES!!! IT BURNS! MY POOR YOUNG FRAGILE EYES!!!!!” Dana yelled and looked at them before looking at Skylar who was laughing now.


            “Mahhhh Eyesssssssss!!!!!”


            I laughed and looked at them and then at Aaliyah who was laughing hysterically.


 “Oh come on you two. One day when you find someone you love soo much you’ll do the same thing...”


“Yeah but if I can help it  Dana will not be getting married anytime soon or having kids anytime soon. If any guy comes near my little girl it’s on.”


“Daddy...” Dana smiled and hit him playfully on the arm.


“What? I’m serious you can’t date till your fifty.” I laughed and looked at her. “Then when you turn fifty you can date any guy you want.”


“I’ll be too old by then.” Dana laughed and looked at her mother who just shrugged.


“Yea uncle Justin, she’ll be too old...”


I smiled and looked at Aaliyah whose face was red from laughing too hard. “Fifty’s not too old, now 100 is old but I’ll be generous and drop 50 years off that.”


“Oh you are so kind daddy...” Dana said as she skipped off.


“I know, I know.” I smiled at Aaliyah who was looking at me now with amused look on her face. “What’s so funny?”


“Fifty? You are so sounding like a dad now. My daddy told me the same thing. He never kept his word though.”


“Well I’m gonna keep mine, one guy steps foot towards her or Alexandra and their ass is mine.”


“You are so crazy.”


“Yeah tell me something I don’t know.”


~*4:23 p.m.*~


            Christmas shopping. Always a joyous time in our household. Full of noisy toys that the kids had begged us for all day and all night and lots of clothes that nobody wears. Ah, I love the holidays. I looked at Aaliyah who looked at the bike and smiled.


            “Aww it has ribbons.”




            “On the handle bars!!! That’s so cute, I always wanted a bike with ribbons coming from the handle bars.”


            I looked at her. Shaking my head. It was so amazing to me how riled up she got over the holidays it really brought out the best in her. “Alright baby girl calm down, remember we’re not shopping for you, we’re shopping for the kids.”


            “What you talkin bout Justin?”


            I looked at her and couldn’t help but laugh. She was so crazy. “Nothing, forget I even said anything.”


            “Alright I like that idea!” Aaliyah frolicked and looked at him. “Oh MY God!”


            “What?” I looked around and then back at her. “What???”


            “Look! It’s on sale!!!! That skirt is so cute!!! I must buy!!!!”


            Another thing about women. They cannot turn down anything on sale. Especially Lili, if it was on sale, she was gonna buy it. I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her down the isle of the store. “Oh no, you are not going to buy that!”


            “I must buy it!!! It’s a bargain!”


            I lifted her up and threw her over my shoulder shaking my head. If I just let her walk by herself we would end up buying the store, and trust me, she had the money for it. I felt her kick her feet and sighed. “Nope, no more shopping for you, you can’t handle shopping...”


            “Justin! Put me down!!!”


            I could hear her whining just like this kids and I laughed. “Women.”