Chapter 8*~



            Christmas day. The kids were tearing away the wrapping and was throwing it aside like on their birthdays. It was just like on birthdays where you open the card and shake it for money and then threw the card to the side, not even reading it. Sure I was guilty of doing that, I always did that to Li’s cards and it always seemed to aggravate her.


            “Would you read the fucking card?” She would yell at me and I would shrug.


            “Blah...blah...blah...I love you....blah....Li. Aw nice card Li now where’s the money?”


            She would look at me; shaking her head and would just sigh, and go off mumbling about how I never cared about the small things.


            I looked at Aaliyah who sat smiling as the kids opened boxes. She looked at me, a smile upon her face. I watched as she reached beside her and picked up a box and sat it down in front of me. “What’s this?”


            “A gift for you...”


            “For me? You got little ol’ me a gift?” I laughed and opened it,  laughing. “Oh you so shouldn’t have.” I looked at the shirt that had printed on the front; I”M A MARRIED MAN WITH CHILDREN PLEASE STEP AWAY FROM MY SORRY ASS SO PLEASE WALK AWAY FROM ME and on the back it said, SIGNED HIS LOVING WIFE LILI. I looked at her still laughing. “Aww don’t be surprised if it accidentally gets lost.”


            “That’s ok, there are always back ups.” She laughed and kissed me. “So what did you get me?”


            “Ah, I got you two things.” I said and took her hand. “But you have to come outdoors with me to see both of them.” I took her hand and lead her to the back porch and watched as she laughed. “Yes I got you your very one bike with ribbons on the handle bars, pretty cool right, and I also got you that skirt that was a bargain! Lucky you!”


            “Aww you are such a sweet guy Jay...” She kissed me softly and wrapped her arms around neck.


I laughed and shrugged. “Yeah Not everyone is as lucky as you to have me as a husband.”


“Yeah but a lot of women have seen you out of your clothes and that pisses me off sometimes.”


“Well what do you expect honey, you knew I was hella sexy when you married me.” She hit me and I laughed and laughed with her. Hey it was the truth. I was hella sexy so ha.


~*Later That Night*~


            My head was aching. You know how you use to not understand why your parents were so agitated when you were younger when someone bought you a toy with noise? Now I knew exactly why. There was so much music that it was driving me crazy. I looked at Aaliyah who laid there asleep. Asleep? How in the hell did she manage that? I shook my head and closed my eyes. Just hoping I could fall asleep as fast as she did. But as soon as I closed my eyes a scream had awakened me. I looked over at Aaliyah and then it hit me. Shit, she’s in labor. “Let’s go baby, we can call Adriana on the way.” Damn, here it was time for another child. Was I seriously getting that old?


~*10:45 p.m.*~


            I couldn’t handle it, the screaming in all so Alexander, Adriana’s husband went in for me to keep Li company as I got at least an ounce of sleep. They thought it was cute actually; they thought I might as well get all the sleep I could before the baby.  When I woke up I looked over at Adriana who had a wide smile on my face; that wasn’t good. “Hey A, is Li alright?”


            “Yep, and guess what daddy? You got yourself two little girls.”


            “Two?” I questioned and watched as she nodded. “But they said it was only one...”


            “The doctor said what probably happened was they couldn’t see the second baby from the ultrasound, but you got yourself two little girls, wow poor Drew, he has himself five sisters. Man Jay you must have been destined to have girls.”


            “Maybe,”  I smiled and looked at her with a wide smile. “Is Alex still in there wit her?”


            “Yep, he said he wanted to keep her and the babies company. You can go in there.”


            I nodded and opened the door slowly and peeked in, looking in at Alex and Li who were smiling and talking as they held the babies. I watched as they looked at me with a smile. “hey,”




            “Hey man, take this little one alright?”


            I laughed and nodded and took the baby from Alex, smiling down at her.


            “I’ll see you two later alright?”


            I nodded and watched as Aaliyah kissed him softly on his forehead and said thank you before they left. I looked at her and she looked back, smiling widely. “Boy are we in trouble.”


            “You think I don’t know?” She laughed and sighed. “Soooooo much trouble.”