Visions of A Angel and Prayers For A God Interlude*~

I looked up the next morning as I heard a pair of heels coming down the wooden stairs, followed by three pairs of feet. Aaliyah walked in, her hair was tied into a tight ponytail and she wore a pink halter-top and a pair of jeans; making my mouth hang wide open. “Where are you going?”

She pointed at herself and laughed slightly as she sat down next to me, resting her head on my shoulder, “Doctors appointment.”

I looked at her through squinted eyes, “That’s today?” I watched her nod and sighed. “Do you need me to go?”

“Nope, you’re fine here. “ Aaliyah smiled and rested her hands on her hips. “Don’t look at me like that. I’ll be fine, besides when have I ever steered you wrong?”

“Well there was this one time….”

“Look I don’t have time to talk about it.” Aaliyah laughed and shook her head as she kissed him softly. “I’m going to go out with Adriana for lunch and then I’ll be back ok?”

“Alright be careful ok?” I kissed her and watched as she nodded and hurried out the door. The day started like any other day and things were calm and moving and there wasn’t much going on but there never was much going on during a Saturday afternoon. Everything was going by smoothly…

~*4: 32 p.m.*~

I had dozed off for a second but quickly woke myself up at the sound of the phone. I grabbed it and answered it, instantly startled at the crying on the other end. I didn’t know who it was at first but at the sounds in the background I knew it was Adriana. “A, what’s going on? What’s wrong.”

“It’s Li, she’s been in a terrible car accident, and we need you to get to the hospital as fast as you can.”

That’s all she had to say and I quickly hung up, leaving everyone with Alexandra until Ben got there to watch them. I arrived at the hospital no later than five and I was delirious and I was scared as ever. As I stood there, Maria an Adriana in both of my arms I listened to the news from the doctor. She had been hit by a semi, the car was totaled, and the freak way that we all found out was the first cop on the scene had found her cell phone and dialed the last number she had called and had reached Adriana. They airlifted her to the hospital and she was in intensive care unit. The impact killed the baby most definitely and they aren’t sure if she’ll survive at all. I can feel the tears form in my eyes and stream down my stained cheeks as I cried my heart out, giving it everything that I had to stay as calm as I could before losing my mind and trying to take my life. More bad news followed each other and the people in the waiting room seemed to console us. Both of her lungs had collapsed, she was bleeding internally and she was going into shock from all of the blood. Finally she had entered a coma like state and we had no way of telling what she was feeling. The first time they let me go back they told me not to be scared, not to be frightened and I just thought, ok maybe she had a scratch or two, but I wasn’t prepared for the entire feeling.

~*6:47 p.m. Intensive Care Unit*~

When they opened the door I think I let out a huge gasp and the doctor looked at me to see if I was still breathing. She left me with her and I walked over to her. They had about ten tubes stuck into her, she had stitches on her forehead, and a tube was sticking out her side, pumping blood out of her body. Her eyes were closed and she wasn’t moving at all. Her chest was jumping from all of the pumping and the ventilator breathing for her to insure that she lived. That’s when I broke down and got on my knees and cried. I couldn’t see her like this. She still had blood on her face, and her neck and hands. They pulled me away from her as I was still kicking and screaming. “They can’t take her from me. They can’t.”