Chapter 11*~Law and Order...


            I sat up in a cold sweat. I looked over the room and noticed the light slightly coming from under the door. I walked over to the door; opening it slowly. I walked down the hall and into the nursery where I heard voices.


            “And so they lived happily ever after. The End.”


            I looked at her. My mouth wide open. I watched as she looked up at me, her eyes bright; smiling. “What are you doing here....but I thought...”


            “You must have been dreaming, I’ve been home for like an hour or so. I finally talked you into going to bed.” Aaliyah stood up. Placing the book on the floor next to the rocking chair and putting Drew in his crib.  Aaliyah walked over to me, bringing her hands up to my forehead; wiping the sweat with the back of her hand. “you are sweating like Nixon.”


            Yep it was Li. Only she would use a direct reference to history. I shrugged and looked her in her eyes as she skimmed my chest with her fingers.


            “I hope you’re not getting sick...”


            “I don’t think I am...” I answered softly never leaving her glance; afraid that if I do I may never see her again. She laughed slightly and walked past me and out of the room. I closed the door to the nursery softly and looked back at her. “Where’s Dana?”


            “In bed, sound asleep.” She answered simply as we entered the dark bedroom. She hit the light and I looked at her. Noticing a bruise on her neck.


I squinted and looked at it. She must have noticed because she turned quickly away from me. “Who did that to you?”


“Did what?”


“The bruise.”


“What bruise?”


I grabbed her arm and pulled her towards me; becoming frustrated now. “That bruise Lili, it’s pretty hard to miss that big ass bruise on the side of your neck. So who in the hell did it?”


“Nobody, I guess maybe I just slept wrong.”


“Oh” I looked at her, shaking my head. “There is no way you are going to play that on me Li. Now I want you to tell me who the fuck did this to you?”


“Nobody Justin, it’s not important...” She started towards the bathroom but was stopped by a laugh.


“It’s not important? It may not be to you Li, but it is to me. I want to know who is beating my wife. I want to show them a little pain.”


“Justin I’m’s just a little bruise and I’m sure...”


“Fuck it Li, you know what. It’s YOUR choice not mine. If you want someone beating your ass then that’s your choice, you fucking deal with it. Goodnight.” I crawled back into bed, pulling the cover back over my half naked figure. I couldn’t believe I just said that. I could hear her crying but didn’t want to admit that I was wrong. I finally turned over and looked at her as she laid on the floor, her cries muffled in her arms.  I stood up out of bed and walked over to her. Getting a better look at her bruised body. It finally hit me why she had been so covered up the past few days. I sat down next to her and lifted the back of her top to reveal a few different bruises and cuts. I looked at her; feeling really pissed off now. Not at her, but at me. How could I have missed this? “Who? Who would do this to you?”




“Matthew?” I rose my eyebrows. Her ex husband. The bastard that I wanted to kill so many years ago when he beat the hell out of Aaliyah before we got together. The man who said that there was no way he would ever get convicted of abuse or endangerment of a child. That was the end for me. It was so personal now. “Why? Why didn’t you say something? Why were you just taking this?”


“He said he would kill you, and I don’t want you to die Justin. I don’t want to see you hurt. I can’t lose you. I can’t live without you. I love you so much.”


I held her close to my chest; rubbing up and down her back. So this mother fucker wanted to fuck with Li did he. I thought about it for a second and the one thing I had never put together fit perfectly in my mind. Karen and Matthew both wanted Aaliyah badly for what she did to them. Karen felt Aaliyah broke us up and Matthew was still pissed that Aaliyah was pregnant with Dana when they were still together and the fact that Aaliyah filed for divorce. That’s when I knew that they had a past together and that this was the only thing they wanted. To fuck our lives over in hopes that we would break it off but lord knows it wasn’t going to happen that easily. It was my turn to fuck their lives over and give them a taste of what pain really is.


~*3 Weeks Later*~


            “Are you sure about this? You’re messing around with the governor of California come on Lili isn’t there something you should be afraid of.”


            Aaliyah pulled her sunglasses up and looked at Adriana with a slight laugh. “I don’t care because that fucking asshole was my husband for a good three years. He can kiss my ass for all I care. I am so tired of being afraid of him. This is the last time he’ll ever fuck me over without dieing from it first.”


            I looked at them as I walked into the kitchen. To tell you the truth I was scared. Not for Matt but for Aaliyah because sadly when she said she was gonna do something, she didn’t back down at it and whatever she was planning to do was shear proof that she was going to do it in a dramatic way. “Where are you going?”


            “To see Michelle...”


            “Wait Michelle? Judge Michelle?” I watched as she nodded and I sighed looking at her. “Look maybe you shouldn’t....”


            “Look, I want to make sure that he never sees the light of day, and if I am going to make that happen, I’m going to have to step up and make some hefty decisions. I don’t care what in the hell it does to me, but I want to make sure that he will never be able to hurt another woman in his sorry ass life again.” Aaliyah pulled her sunglasses down and looked at me and Adriana before turning towards the door. “I’ll see you all later.”


            I looked at Adriana who looked back at me and shrugged. Who knew what Aaliyah would do but I had a feeling she wouldn’t stop till she had her way, even if it meant that it killed her in the end.


~*4 Hours Later*~


            “ nice for you to visit.”


            “Cut the shit Matt I just came to give these to you.” Aaliyah said and stepped inside the house; watching as he closed the door.


            “So what are these??” Matthew laughed and looked at her before looking through them. “You’re filing a suit against me?”


            “Oh not any suit honey, I’m digging up all your shit. The abuse charge, the custody battle. I want Alexandra back, for good.”


            He laughed walking towards her. “And do you really think I’m afraid of you? Seriously, just answer that question for me.  Do you think anyone will believe your crazy ass? They will just see you as a bitter ex wife and that’s all you really are.”


            I had followed her there, hoping to stop her from whatever she was planning to do. I opened the front door and came face to face with Matthew who smiled; that’s how I knew his ass was off.


            “Justin you want to get your crazy ass wife?” Matthew looked at him and then Aaliyah. “Before I have to call the cops on her.”


            “Oh really?” Aaliyah answered and looked at him. “Then do it.”


            “Aaliyah what in the hell are you talking about?” I looked at her. “You want him to fucking call the police on you.”


            “Let his ass do it. I’m not scared.”


            I watched as Matthew lifted the phone out of his pocket and in a second I heard the sound of a gun and looked at Aaliyah who had shot the phone out of his hand. “Where in the hell?”


            “You see Matt, that could have been you easily. You make one wrong move and that’s your brains all over this fucking room. So we can do this easy or, we can do it the hard way and make a point by your body being carried out of here in a body bag. Your choice.”


            I looked at Aaliyah knowing this was her breaking point. This had finally drove her to the brink of insanity and lord only knows what she was planning next because it just showed that behind every cute smile is a little something evil.