Chapter 14*~What’s that sound? It’s The Doink Doink!!


            I woke up to the sound of laughter later that night. I looked over; noticing Li was gone. I looked at the clock, eight thirty. I sighed as I sat up slowly; finally standing on my feet. I headed down the hall stopping first at Alexandra’s room to see what she was up to. “Hey Alex.”


            “Hey Justin...” She smiled softly as she looked up from her book.


            “Where’s everyone at?”


            “Dana is in her room watchin Buscando A Nemo and Drew is asleep. Mommy and Stephanie were downstairs talking to Noah but I think that they’re watching Law and Order now.”


            “Noah? Who’s Noah?”


            “The hot guy next door. He’s really nice. I can’ believe you’ve never met him.”


            “Me either.” I said completely shocked. A hot guy living next door? That sounded like trouble. Especially when Liyah was friends with them. I smiled at her. “Thanks Alex.”




            I started downstairs hearing the sound of the music of Law And Order SVU, see all of them had different theme music so you knew by the song which was which if you watched it enough. I continued walking down the hall towards the voices.


            “What happened here?”


            “They say she was on her way home, but she never made it. That’s when we got the call that she had been brought here. She claims she’s been raped.”


            “Does she know by who?”


            “I have no idea Olivia, that’s your and Stablers job, not mine. I just tell you what’s going on....”


            I walked into the dark living room and could make out Aaliyah and Stephanie, both laid out on the floor, glued to the tv set. Law and Order freaks. I sat down on the floor next to them, laughing. “Have you two heard of light?”


            “Shut up Justin.” Aaliyah said as she continued to look at the tv screen; eyes following every body that moved on the screen.


            “You two have a sickness.” I said and watched as they both looked at me; a smile on their faces.


            “So what, and we’ve seen this one but who cares.” Stephanie said and shrugged.


            I looked over at the baby monitor as the cries started to come through loud and clear. “I’ll go get him...”


            “I’ll come with...” Aaliyah said and stretched. “I’ll be back Steph.”


            I looked over at Aaliyah as we continued down the hallway. A smile plastered on her pretty little face. “So I heard that you girls had company earlier today. Some guy named Noah? And according to Alex he’s hot.”


            Aaliyah laughed and looked at me. A grin on her face. That made it clear that he must be attractive to her because lord knows I knew that look from anywhere. “Yeah Noah Bridges, lives next door. Really nice kid.”


            “Kid?” Ok now I was completely puzzled. Noah was a kid? Ok it was time to clarify this.


            “Well he’s eighteen but compared to me honey he’s a kid. A cute kid. He bought the house next door. He goes to school out here. Really nice guy we hang out sometimes when he needs help studying.”


            “Ok and why wasn’t I informed?” I found myself asking as we walked into Drew’s room and I looked at Drew who had snot running down his face; the obvious sign of him crying. I cringed and watched as Aaliyah grabbed a Kleenex and wiped under his nose and his nose. I guess after having three kids, nothing grossed her out anymore. “I mean so you’ve been hanging around with a eighteen year old that I have never met?”


            “Oh come on Justin. It’s harmless and if you were around half the time then you would know. But you’ve been busy in the studio, which I totally understand but please don’t jump on me about someone that you don’t even know.” She looked up at me for a second before looking back at Drew and then into the bathroom that was connected to his room for obvious reasons such as him making a mess with anything that you gave him.


            “Oh so I don’t have any right wondering what my wife is up to while I’m gone?”


            “Nope, not if you want to make it some big deal and act like I’m sleeping with him.”


            “Are you?”


            “Ugh you are such a man...” She rolled her eyes and sat Drew down on the floor in his room as she turned on the bath water.


            “I hope I am.” I said and looked down at her. Her face obviously not showing any signs of humor.


            “Why is it that if a female has a male friend and she’s in a relationship, the man that she’s involved with always thinks that she’s sleeping with her male friend. Come on Justin. He’s eighteen he’s a child.”


            “Li he’s legally an adult and I know how you are.”


            “Are you calling me a whore?”


            “Did I call you a whore?”


            “No but you are so insinuating it.”


            I was pissed off by then. Did she want to get all uppity with me and start a really big argument because she knew that she was wrong this entire time. She knew that she wasn’t supposed to be spending time with him. I could only imagine what was really going on between them. “You know what Li, you are being a total bitch about this, your sister would never act like this.” Ooops....shouldn’t have said that.


            “My sister?” She stood up and looked me in my eyes. “Oh A wouldn’t act like this because she’s not a bitch, because she knows when to stop talking right? She knows to back down and go into a fucking corner and let someone fucking walk all over her right? Because she was willing to give you a piece of ass when you wanted it right? She wasn’t going to make a big deal out of this right? I’m just a little headstrong aren’t I?” She yelled and hit me. “Answer the fucking question Justin!” She yelled and continued to hit me. That’s when I became pissed and everyone knows I have a temper, and not a nice one either.


“You wanna know what I think Lili?” I asked; backing her up. “I think that this is fucking ridiculous and you are the one being the fucking bitch here and a complete asshole. You are just begging for me to say some things that I don’t want to say. Like you have always been a fucking bitch. You will always be a bitch and maybe Karen was right this entire time.” That’s when it happened. She hit me and that’s when I hit her back, instantly I could hear her legs collapse; sending her entire body back into the tub filled with water; her head hitting edge of the tub. That’s when I knew it. I was screwed for the rest of my life and had just signed my death wish.