Chapter 7*~


“If you really wanna find
Someone to get some behind
I ain't the one for you
If you really wanna know
Boy you need a silly ho
To do whatever you wanna do
If you really wanna find
Someone to get some behind
I ain't the one for you
If you really wanna know
Boy you need a silly ho
To do whatever you wanna do
Oooh oooh”- TLC- Silly Ho


            There she stood. Topless. I stood there; gawking mostly. I peered over at the photographer who was having a field day.  It had been about three weeks since I confronted Karen for the first time in three years. By the way did I tell you what happened? Anyway I’ll tell you later, but about now. So I’m standing here waiting for Aaliyah’s photo shoot to be over. Sexy photo ops of her were hot but not when you’re sharing it with about twenty other men and women. I smiled widely as I heard them call the end of the day and watched Aaliyah pull her shirt on. I walked up to her and took her hands in my own and smiled widely. “You did great.”


“I hope so...” She bit her lip in thought. “What time is it?”


“Um five twenty-seven why?” I watched as she stretched and took her keys from me as we walked out the door.


“I have to pick up Dana from ballet practice.” She laughed. “I thought you knew that.”


“Nah, you’re good at leaving me in the dark.” I grinned as I opened the passenger door and got in the car. “What’s with the face?”


“What face?” She asked and looked over at him before starting the car.


“That look like this.” I looked at her with my eyebrows raised and a smile on my lips. “That’s what you look like.”


“Do not.” She laughed and hit me. “Well you look like this.” She dropped all of her expression except for a wide smile. “That’s exactly what you look like.”


“Nuh uh,” I laughed and closed my eyes. “You have me looking like some serial rapist...”


“Maybe you are...”


I laughed to myself and opened my eyes slightly and looked over at her. “Wanna find out if I am?”


“No thank you.” She smiled and peered over at me for a second; laughing. “You are such a freak.”


“I’m a super freak Liyah. Make sure you have the right one.”


“I’ll be sure to do that Jay...I’ll be sure to remember that...”


~*3 Weeks earlier*~


            So like I promised to tell you. When Aaliyah came home that night beaten and bruised that was it for me and I officially lost my mind. The only thing on my mind was how I could kill Karen’s ass without the police finding out it was me. So I drove for about half an hour until I reached Karen’s huge Victorian house. I shook my head. I couldn’t believe that I was here again. I hadn’t been there in about three years. I rang the doorbell; standing there; knowing she would answer the door. As the door opened I looked at the familiar face with a wide grin. She looked back at me, equally amused.


            “Long time no contact...” I looked at her. She held that same smug grin upon her facade.


            “I know...” She walked out onto the porch with me. “So what are you doing here? Finally ready to admit to me that you were so wrong about Aaliyah?”


            “Are you kidding me?” I laughed with disbelief and looked at her. “I just came to straighten your ass out.”


            “Oh really?” She grinned and pushed her long blond hair over her shoulder and shrugged. “So what do you want to say?”


            “That I know what you did.”


            “What I did?” She laughed. “Are you talking about Aaliyah?” She grinned and shrugged. “Well technically I didn’t do it. Someone else did.”


            So she wanted to play tough. Like she could stand up to me and like I was going to stand there like nothing happened and look like a complete idiot. My mother always told me not to lay a hand on a woman but I had to slap a bitch.


            I slapped her across her face and grabbed her by her hair. Pulling her close enough that she could here my voice. “I don’t know what kind of game you think you’re running...” I whispered, “But your idea is fucked up, and wanna know what else darling. Don’t you fuck with me because you may end up regretting it. I dare you to bring your ass around me and my family and I promise that you will never see the light of day ever again. Now you can go tell whoever but bitch nobody will believe your ass or even miss you.” I let go of her hair. Walking away from her; down the stairs. I could hear her crying and whining in the background.  Fuck her ass. Did she really think that I could actually show any compassion towards her? She was the exact same person who tried to kill my wife and daughter. There was no way in hell that I would ever forgive her.


~*Some time in between thoughts.*~


            So now your like how did you meet this psychotic woman in the first place? What was she really like. Was she always this evil? Well that’s why I’m gonna share info with you. So here is the info you wanted on Karen.


Full Name: Karen Jamie Michaels


Time of Dating: We dated for about three years, but hey the bitch crazy, that’s why I ran when I did.

My thoughts when I first met her: She was beautiful, had a great personality. Really seemed to care for others...boy was I fooled.

Current Restraining orders: None at the time because Aaliyah said to ignore her. Tough luck.

Served: Two years for attempted murder of Dana and Aaliyah. Why in the hell did she try to kill my daughter? Because she crazy! Come on people think. They woman has no respect for others or for life.

Her Goal In Life: Ruin my life. Make me wish that I never left her. Kill my family...I think you get the point.

Where did I meet her?: At a ice cream shop in Manhattan.

If I could I would...: never had met her in the first place.


            So that’s only the basics but you know that there is more. There is always more; especially when it involved Karen.


~*The next morning*~


“We kept things pretty tight thus far
Love without the sex
And hundred thousand dollar cars
Ain't it funny how our auras unify
An entity upon itself
That can spread wings and fly
A peaceful coexistence that will surely last
Becomes a reminiscent dream
For those in our past
If they knew just a fraction of all the things we do
They still wouldn't comprehend
The depth between me and you”-TLC-If They Knew


            “ may wanna wake up...”


            I opened my eyes and looked at Dana for second before closing my eyes back and pulling the cover over my head.


            “Daddyyyyyyy.....I’m not kidding.”


I sighed and opened my eyes, peering over the comforter to look at her as she sat on the end of the bed with her hands on her hips. Damn did she look and sound like Li right the and there. “What? What do you want?”


            “You’re supposed to be taking me to school this morning.”


My eyes widened in horror as I looked at her.  “What time is it?”


“Eight fifteen...”


I sat up super quick and could hear her laugh at me as I ran in the bathroom and threw some water on my face and pulled on a pair of pants and a shirt. “Shit...”




            “You didn’t hear that.” I glared at her and picked her up off the bed. “Go ahead downstairs. I’ll be there in a second...” I watched as she ran downstairs and I shook my head. I quickly pulled on a pair of gym shoes and picked up my wallet. I ran downstairs. “Are you ready?”


            “Yeps...” She smiled widely.


            “Positive? You’re not leaving your lunch or have to pee?”


            “I don’t have to pee and mommy packed my lunch.”


            I shrugged and opened the door. “Then lets get going.” We got to the car and I closed the door behind her. I opened the drivers door and sighed when I heard her voice.






            “I have to pee...”


            I sighed and put my hand up to my forehead. “Lord Jesus....” My life. My child.