Chapter 1*~


            She lifted her long white dress off the floor behind her as she took his hand in her own. They started down the long hall towards the stage. She could feel the looks that they were receiving as they continued to walk hand in hand. Lately she was surprised by how much attention they were receiving. Not because they were celebrities but she knew that the racial factor played a role in this all. “Aaliyah…” She looked up at him. “Are you ready?” She nodded.  Her eyes brightened as they stepped out onto the stage and everyone cheered. She was re-leaved but she knew that there still were those few people who weren’t going to like this.


            “Hey you all how are yall tonight?”


            Aaliyah let a soft giggle escape her lips as she looked out into the crowed. “Wow it sounds like yall are doing good tonight.” She felt his hand run down her bare back in support. “Well I can’t believe we won this award. I mean couple of the year that’s a huge thing.”


            “Yeah and I have to thank all of yall for voting and my beauty queen right here by my side for giving me a chance.” He kissed Aaliyah softly and smiled when he heard all of the awes escape everyone’s mouth.


            “Well Mr. Timberlake you’re not so bad yourself.” She smiled at him. “I’m a blessed woman. So thanks all of you! We really appreciate all of the love and support!” She looked at him as they walked off and knew what was coming next.


            “See that wasn’t so bad now was it?” Justin watched as she shook her head and looked at her. “See I told you that everything would be fine. So next time just believe me alright?” Justin watched her nod and held her hand in support as they walked back stage of the first annual mtv/trl celebrity awards. He could tell that this wasn’t as easy to handle for her as it was for him. From the look on her face she was terrified of how people would portray them as a couple. “How about we just go back to your parent’s house and skip the parties.”


            “Are you sure you wanna do that Jay? I mean I don’t want to ruin your night.”


            “Look this isn’t my night, it’s our night and I want to spend it with you not the media.”  He watched her nod and opened the door to the limo for her. He got in after her and smiled as she leaned her head on his shoulder. “Don’t let what other people think about us bother you. The only thing that matters is we love each other alright?” He felt her nod and could tell she was on her way to sleep.


~*30 minutes later*~


            Aaliyah slowly fluttered her eyes open to a darkened room. She looked over next to her and she knew that meant he was still awake. She slowly made it to the edge of the bed and sat up. She climbed to her feet and walked to the door where she peaked out. She saw the light coming from the kitchen and slowly made her way down there and raised an eyebrow as she saw the smiles form on Justin and her mother’s face. “Hey, what were you two talking about?” She sat in between Justin and her mother at the kitchen table.


            “Nothing really, a few random things.” Diane said and winked at Justin. “So you feeling any better?”


            Aaliyah nodded. “A lot better actually.” She leaned against Justin and smiled. “Mommy, where’s daddy?”


            “Asleep, ya know the man can’t stay awake that long.” Diane laughed and touched Aaliyah on the tip of her nose. “My little girl is all grown up. Look at you honey, you are happy; you have a wonderful fiancé and a wonderful career. They just grow up so fast.”


            Justin smiled and looked down at Aaliyah who was beaming. He always found it amazing how close Aaliyah was to her family. He was extremely happy that she was a family girl because he always found that family was important. He loved his family and so did Aaliyah. They were so compatible that sometimes it was scary.


            “Well you two I’m tired and I promised Rashad I would meet him for lunch tomorrow so I need to get some sleep.” She kissed Aaliyah and Justin goodnight before leaving.


            “Want something to eat?” Aaliyah searched through the fridge for her left over Chinese.


            “Nah I’m alright.” Justin looked at her and raised an eyebrow. “Are you ok though? You’ve been eating a lot lately.”


            “Yeah I’m fine I mean I don’t have a tape worm.” She grabbed for a bowl in the cabinet and poured the fried rice in the bowel and stuck it in the microwave.


            “Maybe you should go to the doctor just in case. I mean because for the past couple of weeks you have your good days and then you have your bad days. Take today for instance, you were feeling horrible earlier and you didn’t want to eat, and now you’re eating your parents out of house and home.”


            “Maybe the Nyquil worked.” She shrugged and looked at him and took a bite of her food.


            “And maybe you’re just eating for no reason.” He took the bowel from her and put it back in the fridge. “Alright it’s time to go back to bed Lili. Now.” He looked at her as she folded her arms over her chest. “Oh so you think I’m playing with you huh?”


            “You can’t make me because you’re not my daddy.”


            “You know what I’m not.” Justin bit his lip and looked at her. “But I guarantee that by the end of this night you will call me that.”


            “You have got to be kidding me…you can’t do that…we can’t do that here. We’re in my parent’s house.”


            “You think I’m kidding don’t you?” He picked her up and carried her down the hall and up the stairs.


~*1 hour later*~


            “Justin…this…. isn’t…fair…” Aaliyah gasped in between thoughts.


            “Well it wasn’t fair that you wouldn’t listen to me honey.”




            “Right, well get over it.” Justin whispered by her ear. He grinned as he felt her start trembling. “Who’s your daddy Lili?”


            “Not you.”


            “I’ll give you one more chance who’s your daddy?”


            “God damn it Justin stop playing games with me.” She whispered roughly.


            “Who’s your daddy?”


            Aaliyah let out a loud moan and slammed her hand over her mouth to prevent her mother from hearing it. “You are…you are Justin…god damn you, you’re my daddy.” Aaliyah gasped and laid on her back slowly. “You are so mean.”


            “Am I really?”




            “Are you sure?”




            “Fine I’ll show you mean.”


            “Justin what are you doing?” Aaliyah’s eyes widened. “Oh you are so dead…”


~*The next morning*~


            “Well I’m gonna miss ya mommy dearest.” Aaliyah said and hugged Diane.


“I’m going to miss you too, but you two better call me when you get there alright?”


            “Yes ma’am.” Justin said and hugged her also and laughed at Aaliyah who was having a hard time walking. “Are you ok…honey?” Justin got out through laughs as he watched Aaliyah turn around to glare at him.


            “I’m a great thanks for asking.” Aaliyah looked at him and stuck her tongue out at him. “You know, I don’t have to deal with you two I’m getting on the plane.” Aaliyah pouted and waddled towards the plane.


            “Well…” Diane said through laughs. “Call me and tell me how her doctors appointment goes and you two have a safe flight alright?”


            “Alright.” Justin gave her a hug and headed towards the plane with a smile on his face a he caught up to Aaliyah. “Do you need me to carry you honey?”


            “Ya know you are pushin it hun. Next time I will whoop yo ass ya got that? I swear ya didn’t have to be that rough.”


            “Next time I suggest you do what I ask next time.”


            “Forget you. Man you’re lucky I couldn’t tell my mommy on you or else you’d be in trouble.”