Chapter 4*~


            Justin sighed and headed up the spiral staircase with a cup of tea in hand. Aaliyah, who thought it would be a good idea to run out into the rain, had gotten a cold and now was upstairs sneezing herself to death. Justin opened the door to the bedroom and went in and gave her a smile. “How are you doing? Feeling any better?”


            “Fine, and yes.” She smiled and leaned against him and took the tea from him. “Thanks.”


            “Welcome.” He ran his fingers through her hair and looked at the TV screen. “It’s almost time Lili.”


            “I know, I can’t wait.” She rested her hand on her stomach and laughed. “Are you ready for them?”


            “I think so.”


            “I hope so.” She shrugged. “Cuz, basically they’re going to be your problem after they are born.”


            “When did you decide that?”


            “Two minutes ago.” She yawned and ran her fingers through his hair. “Britney called.”


            “Why did she call this time?”


            “Well this time we just talked for awhile. I guess she’s not as bad as I thought.” Aaliyah shrugged slightly and looked back up at the TV.  “We may actually have a few things in common.”


            “You and Britney?”


            “Why do you find that so humorous?”


            “Well for one you two tried to only kill each other twice.”


            “I don’t remember that happening.” Aaliyah said and turned around to look him in the face.


            “Oh really?” He looked at her and shook his head. “One the playboy party when you called her a whore and she called you a bitch and you two were wrestling each other on the floor and you were yelling that you were going to kill her and then there was the time that you two got into it at the mall and she was yelling about killing you.”


            “Oh yeah.”


            “Right. Well at least you two are getting along because I might have had to do something to keep her away from you.” He yawned and smiled down at Aaliyah who was half asleep already. He knew the last month had been the hardest part for her and that she was exhausted. All he wanted was for her to be able to breathe for the first time in nine months.


~*5:23 a.m.*~


            Justin shot up out of his sleep at the sound of a high-pitched scream that he could recognize clearly. He quickly made it to his feet and started down the hall and down the stairs where Aaliyah was sitting in tears. “What’s wrong and why are you down here?”


            “My water just broke and I was getting something to drink.” Aaliyah said in a dark tone as he looked at her. “We have to go now.”


            “Alright give me one second.” Justin sighed and threw on a pair of gym shoes and grabbed her hand. “Alright lets go Lili.”


~*6 hours later*~




            “Look you breathe, right now I wanna kill your ass.” Aaliyah yelled and looked at Justin.


            “Don’t worry about her Mr. Timberlake, she doesn’t mean it, most women say things that they don’t mean during labor.”


            “Stephanie I mean this, I really do, I will kill his ass as soon as I can get the energy to do so.”


            “Push…Alright it’s a healthy baby boy.”


            Aaliyah sighed and laid her head back as she took in a deep breath. “Never the fuck again Justin.”


            “I love you to Liyah.”


            “Push…come on Lili, this is the last one…give me one more push.”


            Aaliyah gripped Justin’s hand so hard she heard him let out a scream and smiled at him as they said that they were done and they had all of the kids. “Are you ok?”


            “I think you just broke four of my fingers.”


            “Great! Now you know my pain.” She smiled at him and smiled as they handed her two of the triplets and Justin took one of them.


            “Congratulations you two. You got yourself two girls and one boy.”


            Aaliyah smiled softly and touched all three of her kids and watched, as Justin’s eyes seemed to glow at the sight of all three of them. “They’re gorgeous.”


            “Just like their mother.”


~*1 month later*~


            “So do you think that becoming a mother has changed you at all?”


            “Some I do believe, in the way that I’ve made a lot of changes and sacrifices so that I could spend time at home with them and be able to say that I do believe I’ve done everything that I needed to do, in order to become a good mother.” Aaliyah said and smiled softly as she heard the applause.


            Oprah smiled and looked at her. “Do you two want to introduce the triplets?”


            “Sure, this is Alexander, he’s our only boy, and daddy’s little boy at that.” Justin said and laughed.


            “This is Kaori in my right arm.” Aaliyah smiled down at her. “And this little cutie right here is Dana. Dana is the instigator of the pack.”


            “So she starts a lot of stuff?” Oprah asked and smiled as she took her from Aaliyah.


            “All the time, we can see it already.” Aaliyah laughed.


            “Alex will be sitting by himself and then Dana crawls over and sits by him and just starts talking in their own language, so next time he sees Kaori he starts crying. It’s just crazy sometimes.”


            “So you two have been planning to get married for the past year so when do you two think that it’ll happen for sure?”


            “You know we talked about it before the kids were born and we thought about it but basically it might be awhile. Hopefully sometime next summer but it all depends.” Aaliyah said with a slight shrug. “For right now we have a lot on our hands.