Chapter 5*~


            “Justin can you get the door?”


            “Sure,” Justin shrugged and headed for the door and smiled as he opened it. “Hey,”


            “Hey,” She smiled softly at him and kissed him softly. “Is she here?”


            “Yes she is so I suggest you watch yourself right now.” Justin said and looked at her. “You’re going to get yourself and me in trouble.”


            “Yeah well I’ll take my chances.” She whispered by his hear and walked in, and right into the kitchen. “Hey Lili, hey you little juvenile delinquents.”


            “Hey Alli.” Aaliyah said and looked at her and then at Justin who held a worried look. “Jay are you ok? You look like you just saw a ghost.”


            “No, I’m fine.” He looked away for a second and stuffed his hands in his pockets.


            “Well I need to get going you two, the kids have a doctors appointment in about thirty minutes so I need to go.” She kissed Justin and smiled. “See ya later.” She smiled at Allison. “Talk to you later and watch him for me why don’t you?”


            “Alright, will do.” She grinned and looked at Justin who held a surprised look now. Allison watched as Aaliyah left and smiled as she walked in closer to Justin. “Why are you looking at me like that?”


            “Alli, you know very damn well that we cannot…” Justin started and was cut off by Allison who pulled him into a deep kiss as she sat on the kitchen table.


            “Cannot what Jay?” She smiled. “You know you want it so come and get it.”


~*6:30 p.m.*~


            “You look really good for just giving birth to triplets six and a half months ago Li, I mean you’re skinnier than me and I haven’t even had kids.” Britney said and smiled at her as they ran along the beach.


            “Well that’s all because of one little thing I call a treadmill.” Aaliyah laughed and looked over at her. “I can’t believe I left Justin home with Alli.” Aaliyah rolled her eyes. “I’m sure the little whore is all over him right now. Ha, I never trusted her around any man I dated because all she does it sleep with them, which I’m sure she’s doing to my husband right now.”


            “Aren’t you even worried then?”


            “No because there’s nothing to do about it.” She twisted her hair around her fingers and smiled softly to herself. “She has is coming anyway.”


            “What do you mean?”


            “Don’t worry about it, she’ll get her turn one way or another.”


            “You know that doesn’t sound very pleasant.”


            “That’s because it really isn’t going to be.” Aaliyah said and stretched. “I’m just going to have fun.” She smiled softly as they continued to walk. “Lets go, it’s starting to get dark.”


~*9:24 p.m.*~


            Aaliyah rolled her eyes as she pulled up into the driveway of her and Justin’s house and saw that Allison was still there. She turned off her Mercedes and got out slowly making her way towards the house. She made it to the front door and noticed that it was relatively dark and she sighed as she shook her head and walked into the house. She sat her keys on the table by the door and smiled softly as she took a quick little detour through the kitchen and then upstairs to the bedroom where the door was closed. She slowly opened the door and leaned against the doorframe and smiled. “Hi you two.”




            Aaliyah smiled softly and looked at the two of them. “Stuck in a compromising situation?”


            “Lili, it’s not…”


            “No Alli, don’t tell me that, really stop telling lies that you can’t get yourself out of.” Aaliyah shrugged and looked at Alli as she pulled the knife from behind her back. “Now, tell me, is it what it looks like?”


            “Aaliyah don’t,”


            “NO Justin, really I wanna know. So is it Alli.”


            “YES it is I’m sorry.”


            “Whatever just go.” Aaliyah gave her a nasty glare and then watched as she ran out the door. “Me and you will talk later.” Aaliyah rolled her eyes and walked out of the room. She was so disgusted that she didn’t even feel the need to talk to him right now. She walked away slowly and didn’t turn around because she knew she would say or do something that she would later regret.