Chapter 5*~


   “Question one.” Issabell said and looked at her mother. “If you can’t eat for an hour after getting your teeth cleaned then why don’t they make it thirty minutes because people don’t listen.”


   Aaliyah rolled her eyes, “I don’t know, but next time you go to the dentist why don’t you ask alright?” She said and closed the car door.


   “Question two..” Issabell started and looked at her father when he cut her off.


   “Aaliyah is Courtney’s teething ring in the baby bag because I don’t see it.” Justin said and looked over at her.


   “It should be but then..”


   “QUESTION TWO!” Issabell yelled and crossed her arms over her chest when she got everyone attention. “Why do we have to go to grandma’s this afternoon?”


   Aaliyah looked at Justin and then Issabell, “Thanks Izzy.” She said when she heard Courtney start crying.


   “Issabell Diana, you know that was not necessary.” Justin said and sighed as they pulled into the driveway.


   “I’m sorry but you weren’t listening to me.” Issabell said with tears forming in her eyes.


   Aaliyah sighed, “Izzy baby we’re sorry we weren’t listening.” Aaliyah glanced at Justin before picking Issabell up. “Look, all you had to do was wait one second, but we were wrong for not letting you finish.” She looked at Justin, “Can you get Courtney and Ashleigh for me?”


   “Sure,” He sighed and watched her walk in the house. Maybe she was a little to easy going with the kids. He could understand that Issabell was her first child, and she adored that little girl. But she let her get away with too many things.  “Liyah, I’m going to change Courtney.” He said and closed the door behind him.


   “Alright, I’ll take Ashleigh.” She said and took Ashleigh from him.


   “Ok, by the way, did you feed Courtney pea’s today?” He asked.


   “Yeah, why?” She asked and looked at him.


   “Great, this is going to be gross.” Justin sighed.


   Aaliyah laughed and looked at him, “Just cover your nose, you won’t smell all of it that way.”


   “Thanks that was a lot of help.” He laughed.


   “Here I’ll do it, can you talk to Izzy for me?” Aaliyah asked and looked at him.


   “Sure,” He said and handed Courtney to her. He sighed and walked into the living room where Issabell was sitting on the couch with her arms folded over her chest. She looked just like Aaliyah when she was mad and that was a scary thing. “Issabell, we need to talk.”


   Issabell looked up at her father, “Why?”


   “Because, we just do.” He said. “Don’t give me that attitude, you definitely pick that up from your mother.” He sighed, “Look, you have to understand, we love you, but sometimes you should just wait, I know we were wrong for not letting you finish, but next time please Just wait ok.” Justin said and smiled when she nodded. “Alrighty then, I’m going to make sure your mom is alright and then why don’t we go get some ice-cream alright?” He asked and smiled when she turned to look at him with a smiled.


   “Ok,” Issabell smiled and skipped down the stairs.


   Justin sighed and walked upstairs and smiled when he looked into Courtney’s room. “Hey, I see she’s enjoying your company.” Justin said as Courtney laughed. “But you are always smothering her with love.”


   Aaliyah turned around and laughed, “Yeah, well I’m hoping that she decides to go back to sleep soon.” She said and looked at him while holding Courtney. “So is Izzy talking to us again?” She asked and sat down in a rocking chair.


   “Yeah, I’m supposed to be going to take her to get some ice cream.” Justin said and looked at her and smiled.


   “Well Ashleigh is asleep so just bring her some back so I won’t have to listen to her whine later on.” Aaliyah said and then smiled, “I think Courtney has finally went back to sleep.”


   “Yep, she’s sleeping.” Justin said and pushed some of her hair out of her face.


   “Great, that gives me time to get ready to go because I’m meeting up with Britney tonight, and it doesn’t matter what you think because you have no say in this right.” She said, “Right.” She said before he could answer. “Well you and Izzy need to be back in 20 minutes because I’m not leaving the girls here by themselves.” She walked out of the room and didn’t turn to even see Justin glare at her. She didn’t want to here it from him now, or any time soon. She hated more than anything when he felt he had the power to tell her what she can and cannot do. She knew the only people who could make those decisions were her parents, herself, and god.


~*Later that afternoon*~


               “I told you he was kind of possessive.” Britney said and looked at Aaliyah with a smile.


               “Yeah, I realized that it was the truth.” Aaliyah said and laughed.


               “So how are the kids?” Britney asked.


               “Pretty good, as usual causing trouble.”


               “And you wonder where they get that from?” Britney asked and laughed, “Issabell sounds a lot like you and Ashleigh sounds more like Justin.” Britney smiled, “And Courtney she’s like both of you put together.”


“Yeah, everyone always says that.” Aaliyah sighed, “Did you hear that Carmen just got released from prison yesterday?”


               “Yeah, aren’t you a little afraid that she might come back after you?” Britney asked.


               “Of course, but we’ve moved since then and I hope that she knows to stay away from me and Justin and the kids because if I see her again I swear I will kill her.” Aaliyah said and looked up, “Last time I was so close to killing her myself but no the cops walked in at the last minute.”


               “I wouldn’t blame you if you did kill her.” Britney laughed, “You would be doing the world a favor.”


               Aaliyah laughed, “I know.”


               “She always hated me, she was just always a cruel person, a really cruel person.”


               “She always hated me too, it took Justin soo long to realize what a horrible person she really was.” Aaliyah said and sighed, “He’s soo blind.” She laughed, “Well lets go if we’re going to make that movie.” Aaliyah was so glad to get away from home for a little while, and she was glad she could talk to somebody.