Creating a Character ------------------- Characters create story aspects in order to rank the two types of traits they have, Attributes, Resources and Skills. Each of the 2 traits can be ranked as Class S (Best), Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class E, Class F (worst) Both traits start off as Class F. Attributes covers basic things about your character, such as strength, intelligence, your ability to survive (saving throws), and how much damage and fatigue you can take. Resources provide connections, contacts and relationships to helpful NPC's, organizations, as well as establishing social class, lineage, a proffession, reputation, wealth, equipment, etc. Skills provide training and knowledge in various things, including athletics, combat, communication, survival, magic, handling traps and equipment, stealing, and many others. Create 5 Aspects in order to start. Each aspect is something crucial to your character. An aspect can be something personal, such as a fear, an ambition, an outlook on Attributes ---------- Attributes are rated as a positive number. Humans tend to fall between 5 and 15, with 10 being average. Attributes are used in 2 ways. 1. A modifier to rolls affected by that attribute. The modifier equals the Attribute - 10. Multiple modifiers almost are never used. 2. A comparison for the Success Rate. If the difference in the rolls (or the roll and the DC) is greater than an attribute in question, the effects of success or failure are enhanced. For example, two characters are fighting. Character 1 (Agi 11) is attacking Character 2 (Agi 12), who is trying to break away and flee. Character 2's dodge check needs to be beat than Character 1's attack roll by more than Character 1's Agility + his weapon's reach, in order to get away without being hit. If he fails to do this, he gets to choose whether he just dodges or flees anyway and take an attack to the back. If he succeeds by that amount, he creates enough distance with his dodge in order to flee safely. It doesn't prevent Character 1 from chasing him, but he's safe for that instant. There are seven basic stats in S/F d20. Agility (Agi) represents speed, coordination and dexterity. An agile character is quick on his feet, has good hand-eye coordination, graceful, and has good reflexes. Charisma (Cha) represents a character's force of personality and his ability to interact with people. A charismatic character can get people to trust him, to like him, to fear him, or to die for him. Constitution (Con) represents physical endurance. A character with high Con can run longer, fight longer, recover from fatigue and injury faster, resist poisons and disease, go without sleep or food longer, etc. Intelligence (Int) represents book smarts and education. A character with high Int is good at learning, analyzing a problem and coming up with a good solution, planning ahead, and is quick to grasp things. Strength (Str) represents your athletic build. A character with high strength has better toned muscle power and fitness, and is generally a very capable athelete. Spirit (Spr) represents the strength of their soul, personality, will and aura. A character with high spirited has high magical power and energy, and is extremely hard to destroy or control through magical means. Whether they develop powers or not is entirely unrelated. Wisdom (Wis) represents one's Judgement, perception, focus, inner peace and how wise to the world they are. Wise characters are rarely ever fooled, can focus their attention in tough situations, and generally don't miss much. Saving Throws ------------- A Saving throw is special roll which is made to keep in control. You can improve Saves by spending XP on them. Each save is modified by one attribute. There are three saves, Fortitude, reflex and will. Fortitude: Fortitude is a roll in order to resist the effects of damage, fatigue, poisons, and disease. It's modified by Con. Reflex: Reflex is a roll in order to react quickly and get out of the way of danger. It's modified by Agi. Will: Will is a roll in order to resist the effects of psychological, psychic, and many magical attacks. It's modified by spirit. Resistance + Damage ---------- Misc ---- Speed: Initative: Skills ------ Skill