Night Predator

Night Predator

Summary: The Night Predator, many have called him; only carnage follows in his wake. When a simple woman of eighteen stumbles across Himura Kenshin's path, he responds by taking her hostage, confining her to a spare bedroom. It is said that this woman holds the key to a grand treasure worth a fortune, and the assassin is ordered to either take it from her or bring her to every meeting his boss schedules. Himura has no choice but to allow her to tag along, much to both his and her dislike, when she refuses to give him the key her father gave her as a gift years ago.

Himura is granted permission by his boss and his associate to force the key from her, if necessary, but for some unknown reason, he can’t bring himself to truly harm her. And he begins to see her as an unnecessary nuisance. As much as he would like to get rid of her, Himura soon finds himself claiming responsibility for her well-being. Still, what transpires from a woman’s unnatural thoughts when she commences to see the Night Predator as the vulnerable man he truly is?

Pairings: Battousai/Kenshin/Kaoru; basically, it'll center around the assassin's cold personality and Kaoru, though, quite a bit of our fun, loving Kenshin will appear!

Rating: Rated PG-13 for the obvious reasons; language, violence, insinuations towards death, and sensuality (You all know you want this one!). I don't know for sure, but the rating might change to R in the later, more important chapters. For now, it'll remain PG-13!

Genre: AU (Alternate Universe), Angst/Romance, General, Action/Adventure, Violence (All that good stuff!)

Personal artwork for this fan fiction: Drawn by me, Liz

From Chapter Twelve: "Murder in Numbers." Called- "Loosing One's Mind; Indulging In One's Kiss."

Author's Note: Here’s another Rurouni Kenshin fan fiction for you all! Well, if you want the truth, this recently came to me while I was laying awake in my bed, pondering different ideas for different stories. So far, I have three on-going fan fictions. Do you think I should wait until at least one of those stories is finished? Suppose it wouldn’t really matter to you. As long as you get to read a good story, then, you’re fine! In any case, I have no clue if this idea will even work, but hell, I can certainly try it! All you authors out there know what it’s like having so many ideas for so many different stories. That’s probably why you all have so many different on-going fan fictions; am I right? Of course I am! Any who, enough yapping and lemme get to typing! I hope you enjoy reading this little idea I had thought of not even five minutes ago!

As for a disclaimer; now listen carefully. I plan to do this only once, so pay attention. I don’t own or claim to own the awesome, Japanese, anime show, Rurouni Kenshin, or the characters created for the show. However, the plot alone is mine, and perhaps a few characters I might choose to create in the future. Just remember, though, that I’m still unsure of how I want this story to go or even what direction it should take. Just bare with me!

Closing Note: This fan fiction is still on-going of course, but I have a very stronge feeling that this story will be around twenty-three chapters long. I'm not sure yet, but that's the number I'm shooting for!

The Chapters of "Night Predator"

Chapter One: Golden Indigo's Reunion
Chapter Two: A Bout of Bad Luck
Chapter Three: Young Captive
Chapter Four: Curiosity Killed the Cat
Chapter Five: Taunts, Persuasion, and Threats
Chapter Six: Work Fiasco
Chapter Seven: Follow the Leader
Chapter Eight: Understanding the Enemy
Chapter Nine: Shopping Meter
Chapter Ten: Meeting of Doom
Chapter Eleven: Cops And Robbers
Chapter Twelve: Murder In Numbers
Chapter Thirteen: Life's Disadvantages
Chapter Fourteen: Unraveling a Madman's Treachery
