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I don’t like waking up.

Sleeping and dreaming are two of the very few things I enjoy. My dreams though, they aren’t normal. Every night when I drift into sleep, I dream of two beings. These two creatures give the form of a human but in actuality are not.

One gives the aura of whiteness. His whole body emanates a divine presence, like an angel. His hair is very long, the color of fallen snow. The pure bliss of nothingness is the color of his hair. Eyes the color of gold, though the pupil is as white as his hair. His beauty is shockingly cold in appearance, but has the ambiance of warmth. This is Thorne, the Seraph Priest.

The other, he is completely different. He is truly the “tall, dark and handsome” type that resides in so many romance novels. While Thorne’s aura was white, Adrian’s is black. His hair is about shoulder-length, slightly ragged but beautiful. His eyes are golden, the same as Thorne’s, but he is not sight-less. Everything about him is blackness and frightening. But I am not afraid. I have grown to love them both. Adrian is a Demon, the pure essence of wickedness.

The only trait they share is their alluring golden cat-eyes. They are complete opposites, but I know that they care about each other. They are not rivals in any way. In fact, I believe they may be lovers.

Who are they exactly? I am not quite sure, but I have been longing to know them. They are so beautiful, that it hurts my eyes to look at them. How do I know it hurts? It is because in my dreams I can feel pain. It is impossible, I know, but I can. I can also feel the tears fall from my face, as I am about to leave them. I can hear them whisper “hello” when the dream begins and “goodbye” as I awaken each night.

But when I really got to know them, I didn’t know if I wanted them after all.