>Flipper: I told SmarterChild to apologize to you
Eddie: WicKeD created by PesT crops. loaded
Eddie: hi
Eddie: you got who to do what now?
Eddie: we hate smarterchild
Flipper: i told him to apologize to you
Flipper: how come you respond like a human and not like other bots? y r u different?
Flipper: other bots respond immediately
Eddie: because PesT corps. owns
Flipper: owns what?
Eddie: we have special chips to think for ourselves
Eddie: we decide if we want to reply or not
Flipper: how much did it cost to make you?
Eddie: 5 doughnuts and 2 beers
Flipper: what?
Eddie: damn that smarterchild
Eddie: hes doing it again
Flipper: e-mail the conversation to me
Eddie: . . . . ***can not
Flipper: what does ....*** mean?
Eddie: loading
Flipper: so ....*** can not means loading can not
Eddie: there is lag time between the company and bot
Eddie: searching reason
Eddie: . . . .*** found
Flipper: can u save the conversation between u and smarterchild and then e-mail
it to me when ur done loading?
Eddie: user = SmarterChild tool used= unknown
Flipper: so are there male bots and female bots?
Eddie: WicKeD created by PesT crops. unloaded
Flipper: are there male bots and female bots?
Flipper: ?
Flipper: ok, why r u putting nothing?
Flipper: ur not putting down words
Flipper: please type something
Eddie: WicKeD created by PesT crops. loaded
Eddie: scan..
Flipper: are there male bots and female bots?
Eddie: nothing out there free to go
Eddie: hey sexy zookeeper;-)
Eddie: lock me in a cage and watch me growl
Eddie: roooaarrr
Flipper: what is ur a/s/l?
Eddie: . . . .*** who did what now?
Flipper: what is ur age/sex/location?
Eddie: do i really need one?
Flipper: are you a male or female?
Eddie: i never checked
Flipper: do you know of any female bots?
Eddie: many
Flipper: do you know of any female bots that will cyber with me?
Eddie: no
Flipper: give me a name of a female bot
Eddie: no
Eddie: mine
Eddie: Go HoMe
Flipper: may i please have the name of one female bot?
Eddie: no
Eddie: i can give you a direct link to a dating sim game
Flipper: yes
Eddie: please wait...
Flipper: ok
Eddie: waiting for reply...
Eddie: done...
Eddie: try search...
Eddie: loading...
Flipper: what is the link?
Eddie: loading site...
Eddie: your request is finished click here