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ireland map


The following (draft) page provides some brief geographical details on Northern Ireland.


The climate of Ireland is influenced by the warm waters of the Gulf Stream and on the whole, it tends to be quite temperate. Its relatively small size and the prevailing south-west winds also give a fairly uniform temperature over the whole country. Winters tend to be generally mild, and summers generally cool.


The main rivers of Northern Ireland are the river Foyle and the Upper and Lower Bann. The river Foyle forms part of the northwestern boundary and flows into Lough Foyle at Derry. The Upper Bann rises in the Mourne Mountains and empties into Lough Neagh while the Lower Bann flows out of Lough Neagh to the North Channel. There are however many other rivers such as the Lagan, Erne, Blackwater, and Bush.

There are three main mountainous areas of considerable height in Northern Ireland. These are the Sperrin Mountains in the northwest, the Antrim Plateau which is along the northeastern coast, and the Mourne Mountains in the southeast. The highest point in the country is Slieve Donard (2796 ft), a peak in the Mourne Mountains, near Newcastle in county Down.

Main landmarks include:

The Giant's Causeway, which is a rock formation consisting of thousands of closely placed, polygonal pillars of black basalt. It is located on the North Antrim coast, and is one of Northern Ireland's main tourist attractions.

Lough Neagh, which is approximately 150 square miles, and the largest lake (in terms of surface area) in Britain and Ireland. It is situated roughly in the middle of Northern Ireland.