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BAROU - Gifts

The Powers Of The Great Apes

DISCLAIMER> The following Gifts are mockoffs of the Lupus, Ahroun and Get Of Fenris tribal Revised Gifts. They may come to par in similiar ideas but then again. When was the last time you saw a Get chuck shit at someone? HUH? WHEN?! I DIDN'T THINK SO! SO BACK OFF GODDAMN IT! AND LET ME TYPE!



Baboon Leap (Level One)

The Barou may leap incredible distances by bending over and letting lose a foul form of odor from their rear body extremities.

Sense The Hair(Level Two)

By fondaling the hair of someone and sniffing in their aroma, the Barou can determine the make of the sniffee.

Name The Flea(Level Three)

The Barou can now pick off fleas from an opponent and know the names of the Flea. And then they can eat them too after learning the name.

Song of the Great Ass! (Level 4)

The barou can sing the great song of the ass to call forth the geatest creature known to man. The DONKEY! Or in other words, a jackass.

POO Flinging 101 (Level 5)

The Barou Can now Chuck Flaming Piles of Poo at their foes. Not just a handful of poo. But a handful of flaming poo in hand. Making poo Agg damage.


Flinging Poo (Level One)

The Barou has the ability to chuck handfuls of self layed poo at its foes. They can now deal massive damage to a foe who is covered in their droppings. Deals 2 points of damage per Strength the Barou poses. Range is Str x2 yards.

Spirit of the Deranged Monkey (Level Two)

This gift allows the Barou to attack with funky speed, striking before any foe. This gift gives the Barou +10 to its Intiative score if it will scratch its armpits and oot at its apponent.

Poo Claws (Level Three)

One of the most horrific gifts a Barou can poses. The ability to turn its hands into a set of lethal claws covered in their own slimy droppings. Making them a deadly pair against fellow Barou or any opponent.

Soking Barou Furnance (Level Four)

The Barou can now tap into its inner anger so well it can use it to its advantage. A Barou with this gift can gain 1 Rage back for every Flea it picks off its opponent in a turn. If no fleas are found off a clean opponent. Well. Lets just say the Barou goes elsewhere to clean. *wink wink*

Kiss of the Baboon (Level Five)

The Barou can now eminate a deadly aura of poo from its body. The smell and its strength the Barou's will to bend. The Barou can eminate the smell of poo from its body to subdue its foes.


Resist Pain (Level One)

The Barou can ignore any form of pain if it will find a flea on its body and eat it like its primitive family does.

Snarl of the Baboon (Level Two)

The Barou lets out a feral OOT that terrifies opponents and makes them run in fear of the frightful Barou.

Summon Spirit Weasal (Level Three)

The Barou can now Summon a spirit Weasal to its side by ooting madly to the Weasal God. (Happy Now?! I added the damn Weasals?! HUH?!)

Scream of the Baboon and Weasal (Level Four)

The Barou and its Weasal emit a Oot and Squeak so loud and powerful it hurts their foes and knocks them on their asses into a well placed and randomly created pile of shit. This pile of shit shows up regardless of the scenery or moment.

Monkey Bite (Level Five)

When a Barou bites its foes it can create a type of madness in them. Making their foes believe they too are as deranged and crazy as a monkey in the great Ape Family. They run around ooting and screaming while picking fleas off anyone and just acting like monkeys. Women tend to have their boobs sag for some reason. This is yet to be explained.


Caern Of The Howling Tiger
Twinkie The Kid
Adrian St Paul Dedication. *Nothing to do with Barou but eh. )
