This is a complete link guide to the site and everything on it! MOST PEOPLE WILL FIND THIS MORE USEFUL THAN THE ISLAND!
NEWS - We have our own forum up now, you will have to create a account but it will be quick and easy and will earn you more points, ive also started a for sale page up so if you want to sell anything, you can advertise it here just write to or to find out more use the site map HERE!. IF YOU ARE FROM WYMONDHAM COLLEGE, and you want to chat, cus they banned MSN etc. just feel free to use the ICEBURN CHAT ROOMS, the best is probably the one that says it works at WC. thanks.
Please email me with suggestions, helpful comments or maybe just nice things click here, if your pissed off with anything and want to send needless abuse to the makers of the site, Click Here.
hello my name is adam, my OS is Windows XP, my webhost is Angelfire, my mesenger is MSN and my server is AOL, oh did i mention my hair is grey?