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Name: Morgan Storm
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160
Hometown: Stanford, CT
Known Moves: Side Suplex, Shadow Splash, Drop Toe Hold Submission, X-Factor, Half Crab
Finisher: Storm Slam (Alabama Slam)

Top 3 Matches:
1. Morgan Storm vs. Taylor Matthney, Kingston, Nova Scotia
2. Morgan Storm and Flexx Falcone vs. Taylor Matthney and Lincoln Steen, Digby, Nova Scotia
3. Morgan Storm vs. Sweet Sarah vs. X-Ray, Kingston, Nova Scotia

Top 3 Opponents:
Taylor Matthney
Sweet Sarah
Badd Dolly

Wrestling Companies worked for:
EWF, Ontario
PWE, Ontario
Mainstream Wrestling, Nova Scotia
Shockwave, Ontario
GLCW, Ontario
CPW, Ontario
AWF, Nova Scotia

Titles Held:
Ontario Championship, GLCW, Ontario

Morgan Storm began her training with Ernie "The Executioner" Moore in the EWF. She began as a valet named Storm, who wasn't afraid to get in the ring and mix it up. She valeted Shadow. She continued to valet for Shadow in PWE. After taking some time off for family, she returned to training at Camp Martell Professional Wrestling School in Hamilton, Ontario. This time, she added in her first name and her own attitude. She was determined to be the star, not the valet to a star. She has shown she can wrestle men or women, and her committment to serious wrestling has made her name known in Central and Eastern Canada. In a relatively short time, she has experienced great success and things only seem to be getting started With her family's support, she is ready to take on the world of Women's Wrestling!

Please see the contact page to speak with Morgan Storm.

Name: Jerry Martell
Height: 5'11
Weight: 282
Hometown: St. Louis Du Ha Ha! PQ
Known Moves: Suplex Variations, Frog Splash, Corner Splash, Running Lariat, Muta Submission
Finisher: Jerry Driver (Sit Down Piledriver)
Top 3 Matches:
1. Jerry Martell vs. Flexx Falcone - Peterborough, ON
2. Jerry Martell vs. J.Q. Publik - Hamilton, ON
3. East West Connection vs. The Highlanders - Belleville, ON

Top 3 Opponents:
Flexx Falcone
J.Q. Publik
Shawn Morgan

Wrestling Companies worked for:
EWF, Ontario
PWE, Ontario
Mainstream Wrestling, Nova Scotia
Shockwave, Ontario
GLCW, Ontario
CPW, Ontario
RAW, Nova Scotia
CWI, Ontario AWF, Nova Scotia

Titles Held:
GLCW Candian Champion, MainStream Heavyweight Champion, RPW Heavyweight Champion, MSW 2002 KOTF

Jerry was trained by Ernie "The Executioner" Moore appx 3 years ago and has been plugging away on the indepedant scene since that time. Along side his manager Brigit the two have taken the scene by storm and have proven that even a wantabe french man can make it in this english world.

With powerful style with Jerry's unique brand of in ring comedy you can count on refs being abused and fans leaving happy. Working on a system of respect and knowledge you will always get 110% from Jerry Martell.

Please see the contact page to speak with Jerry Martell.

2002 Morgan Storm/Jerry Martell Dot Com is a division of Camp Martell
No material may be reproduced without written permission from Camp Martell