GOrka MOrka
If anyone was around back in my geocites days then you will remeber my poor attempt at a GorkaMorka web page. I'm sorry for anyone who viewed it. I just looked at it and I was like woah that's not good at all. So I will revist my favorire GW game and honor it with the web page it truely deserves. While I have been away I have not been idle for I have created a whole new Gorka Morka mob. Unfortunatly it's gonna take awhile to get all there rules up but hey I don't see any of you offering to help. Also there will be a random happenings list, a few new senarios I cooked up and a slew of new things to attatch to your trukks and traks. One last thing though don't expect massive frequent updates to this page. I just started a Dark Eldar page and I still got my Freaky Page o Fun. At any rate I will try to update this as much as possible. Anyways on with the fun!
The Squigetts
New Senarios
Random Happenings