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Saturday 11/30/2002~ WOO! This page is brand new! Today it is hot off the presses and looking fine. Okay it dosn't look fine at all it looks awful, but you know what it is easy for me to read like this, and it is super printer freindly. The printer freindly part is the main reason for this color scheme. Even if I find some sort of uber web monkey to do layout for me there will still be the ultimate printer freindly version somewhere. So ahem the things that have been updated today is that we have some new toys in the misc section and three new bpns. Don't expect an update like that one ever again, unless I am going away for a week or I am on speed. PLANS! Plans I have plans big ones to, but for now I want to at least get one of every type of bpn up on the bpn page, a couple of hunter sheets, I have two new sub companys I want to get up, and once that is done I'll start construction of the story arch section.

Sunday 12/1/2002~ I am cheating it is still saturday. BUT finals are comeing up soon so I figgured it would be best that I get ahead of the game instead of falling behind. That and I just don't feel like doing anything else, it is all very exciteing. Anyway I got most of YBF written up. All that needs to be done with it is to whip up some animal stats and upgrades and that will be that. Tomarrow after finnishing up YBF I'm going to clean up and upload some urban legends I wrote involveing SLA.

Monday 12/2/2002~Hmm it took much longer to finnish up YBF so I didn't get to the urban legends. Oh well fortunatly there will be a tomarrow and I will get to it then, if not then we will all have greater things to worry about then. I also got a new idea for a sub company so that will make the to do list relatively soon, it is one that specializes in poisoning weapons. You know what never mind about the myth thing I've decided to say bugger it. They will be put up unaltered and I'll just write a needlessly long introduction.