This here is a shine to the greates programs Microsoft has ever produced... NOTEPAD! You see folks notepad is the ultimate in user freindly technonlgy and yet it gives you unpresidented freedom to do things that you can't ordinarly do with the other more normal word processors. But more on that latter below is a list and an explantion of why notepad is superior to other word processing programs.
User Freindly
Notepad is the ultimate in user freindly technology! THere are no confuseing buttons cluttering up the screen, no bizzare complex system of menus that you have to wade through to do simple thingsm and no tought desiotions to make. You can't decide what font you want to use!!! Well notepad will take all the pain of that destion away for you! You don't like it's font well to fucking bad cause it's the only one it uses. Also you know when your typeing and then all the sudden a big red sqiggly line apears under the word you just mispelled? Yeah me to and I hate it! Well note pad couldn't care less if you spell you words wrong. YOu can spell your words as wrongly as you want and it won't make a lick of diffrence to notepad, and if for some reason it wanted to correct your spelling... IT CAN'T. Why? because it dosn't even have a spell check function. Also it's incabley of displaying colors and pictures. YAY notepad makeing destions simple one day at a time.
Unpresidented Freedom
Note Pad can let you do something that would make a normal Word Processor cringe in terror, it has no word wrap. You wanna type out a 20 page term paper out on one line well then go right ahead! Note pad will not only let you but it prefers to do so. If you'll notice
File Name Not Alpha Numeric...Well NotePad Can Save You!!!
Ever wanted to name a file {__&%^&*)}}: ? Yeah me to! and remeber the rage and frustration you felt when you couldn't because word wouldn't let you? Yeah me to I deleated my copy then reinstalled it just to show it who's boss. Well that was befor now I know the joys of note pad. Notepad couldn't care less what you wanted to name your files. You can name them whatecer the hell you want. YOu wanna know why? Because notepad just dosen't care! Unlike that alphanumeric nazi Word...grrr VIVA LA REVOLUTION.
Open Anything
Also have you ever wanted to open a .dll or .gif file just to see what it looks like. Well with Notepad you can! In fact you can open anything and all note pad will do is smile and merrly load it up. Some may say that it just dosn't know any better but I say it's because all they wanna do is please you. Yeah it without note pad we'd never beale to modify certain game files. Let us all pay Homage to NOTEPAD!!!! HUZZAH