You know I've been spending lot's of time filling out these survays so instead of sending them to all these people I'll just stick them on my webpage from now on and that way I won't be clogging up your mail box
Survay Sent By Meg
Name: Micheal Bentley!
NickNames: michealbentley, bentley, mikey, luggage boy, really wierd kid in black and some
Sex: hold on I gotta check...oh yeah male
Birthday: heh I don't think so but I'm 17 years old born in the month of april
City: Coral Springs
Parents: Mom, Dad, Step-Dad, Step-Mom
Siblings: 2 half brothers (Tim and Eric) one half sister (barbara)
Pets: an old kitty named Clyde
Height: 6'5
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Hazel Green
~@~ FaVoRiTeS ~@~
Color: purple, deep navey blue
Food: mashed potatoes, spagettie and cookies
Song: Flagpolesitta- Harvey Danger Chain- Switchblade Symphoney Another LoveSong-ICP
Sparkel-Phish and many others
Band(s): System of a Down, the SOundtrack to Les Misrab, the sound track to Phantom of the
Opera, ICP, They Might be Giants...
Place to chill: Where ever my freinds are
Saying: my wizdom page sums this up nicely
Clothes Brand: Whatever is cool
Drink (non-alki): Milk,Pepsie
Drink (alki): NO
Sport(to play): none. don't be silly
Sport(to watch):Lacross and Polo is always fun
Sexual Position: Anytime where I'm handcuffed to the bed
TV Show: Frasier, Stark Raveing Mad, Early Edtion, Nash Bridges
Cartoon: daria, Rock's Modern Life, Space Ghost Coast to Coast
Child Hood Toy: My Muscle Men
Boys Names: Aw crap since I don't really use names that often it dosn't really apply...
Girls Names: I always liked the name Stacy... don't know why though
~@~ PrEfErEnCeS (aBoUt oPPoSiTe SeX) ~@~
Dark or Lite hair: not important
Dark or Lite skin: not important
Tall or Short: not important
Loud or Quiet: not important
Open or Shady: it helps to be open
Type of Undies: you know I can't see how this could be important... of course my chances
of getting that far are just about none so I don't ponder these things...
Alki or Not: preferably not but if they do it really dosn't bother me
Smart or Stupid: stupid people bug me
Mischevious or Well-Behaved: not important
Local or Diff. Neighborhood: local
Smoker or Non: non
Skinny or Well Rounded: it REALLY doesn't matter but if your're as skinny as me there's
something wrong with you to
~@~ FRiEnDs ~@~
that you Knew the longest: Conneticut freinds that no one knows
Most Trustworthy: I trust everyone who gets in my way
Smartest: Lior
Prettiest(girl): They all are in their own special ways... but if I had to pick just one I
couldn't so I won't
Best Lookin(guy): someone other than me
Best Dressed: don't matter
Funniest:Evan is pretty damn funny
Loudest: me...
Craziest: Concitering that just about all my freinds are insane for one reason or another
this question is now null and viod
Bitchiest: I dunno
Nicest: I dunno
Quietest: Freak!
Cutest: I dunno
Best Car: That kind that Brent has with the great big trunk
~@~ <3LoVe LiFe<3 ~@~
Heh yeah right
B/F or G/F?: nope
Crush: it once took 4 girls 15 minuts to drag that info out of me so your're not doing it
if so, who: not telling so there
How long have you Liked em: since the beggining of my sophmore year
Why?: the reasons are to numrerous to count let alone type
Do they like you: you know if they did the whole b/f g/f question would have an answer
wouldn't it?
Why?:*blinks in a confused way at the screen then notices the next question could be alot
of fun*
Could you have a "thing": thing now what could that mean? well in the general
terms yes I have a thing. Or is it asking if I have a fetish... yes I think it's askeing
me that! Well I like to be tied down. HAveing people blow on me feels incredably good, and
boots I love a good pair of knee high boots
Did you get with em b4: no
~@~ PrEfErEnCeS ~@~ -
Apple/Orange Juice: orange
Black/White: both
Giraffe/Elephant: Elephants (pink of course)
Italian/Irish: Italian (I loves spagettie
Boy/Girl: Dating a girl, i think.......children/I dunno either would be okay
Corny/Cheesy: cheesy
Pepsi/Sprite: Pepsi
RootBeer/Dr Pepper: root beer not being a good thing to drink
Beer/Liquor: NIETHER
Gold/Silver: Silver gold looks ugly on me in extreams
Dog/Cat: cats
TV/Radio: both
aol/Phone: I prefer AOL but if someone asks me to call them I have no problem doing it
Pager/Cell: I find both objects disturbing and unessisary products of our society
Park/Mall: Mall! (see my rant page)
Watch/Play: Watch that way I can fast foward or deny the icky sad parts (isn't that
Pass/Fail: Pass but if I fail it dosn't bother me that much
~@~ *AnY LaSt WoRdS* ~@~
yeah no one said it would be easy... but this sucks
Survay Sent By Evan!!!
<< All About Me!
Self Stuff:
1. First Name: MichaelBentley!
2. Middle Name: Andrew
3. Last Name: Ummm I dunno
4. NickNames: Mike MichaelBentley! Luggage boy... ect
5. City: Coral Springs
7. Sex: nope
8. Birthday: April not telling 1982
9. Astro Sign: tuarus
10. Siblings: 2 older half brothers and one younger half sister
11. Pets: my old cat named clyed
12. Hair Color: brow
13. Eye Color:hazel green
14. Height: 6"5
16. Hair Length: I don't care
17. Do you find yourself attractive? see self esteem problem on rant page
18. Do you find yourself ugly? yeppers!
19. Do others find you attractive? nope
20. Do you have a b/f or g/f? niether
21. If so..What is their name? ummm yeah...
22. Are you gay!!? nope!
23. Did you send this to your crush? This isn't being sent to anyone it's going on my web
page for everyone to see. So if she should happen to wander by and see it then yes
Fashion Stuff:
24. Where do you shop the most? the internet
25. Do you think your fashion is cool? good god hell no
26. Do you have any piercings? nope
27. If not, what do you want pierced? I would look odd with peirceings
28. Do you have a tattoo? with freinds like mione it's sorta silly (see digital scrap book
The Extra Stuff:
29. Do you do drugs? nope
30. Do you drink? definatly not
31. Who is your best friend(s)? Lior Bibo Evan Deb Cory Stacy and Jackie
32. Who is your best friend online? Ezalia and shan0628
33. What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? Whatever I grab first
34. What sport do you play? ummm no I think not
35. What are you most scared of? loseing my freinds
38. What are you listening to right now? Emperor
39. Who are you talking to right now? noone cause I'm filling out this survay
40. What time is it? 9:21 pm
41. Do you have your own phone line? nope...well sorta but it's really the computers line
but I'm alowed to use it whaenever I want
42. Do you shave? yes
43. What shoes do you wear? Crappy Payless Shoes
44. What clothes do you sleep in? I sleep naked silly
45. What car do you have? I need my license b4 I get a car
46. Who is the last person who called you? Deb
47. Where do you want to get married? See rant page under self esteem problem
48. If you could have 1 wish what would it be? 48 genies who would give me three whishes
49. Who is the hottest guy/girl in your school? Since I haven't seen them all I won't
50. If you could change anything about yourself what would it
be? I dunno that's a really deep question that I'd have to ponder for awhile... but for
the sake of the survay I'd say more stability
51. Who do you really hate?:hateing people takes way to much time for me to do
52. Color:purple, deep navey blue
53. Number: I dunno
54. Band: System of a Down and others which I'm to lazy to type
55. Movie: BeetleJuice the SSting Very Bad Things Pi Fargo and others
56. Candy: butterscotch
57. Brand: I dunno
58. TV show: Nash Bridges, Early Eddition, Frasier, and Stark Raveing Mad
59. Food: Meatball subs from subway
60. Fast food: subway is home
61. Girl Names: I always like the name Stacy...
62. Boy Names: Bibo, Hunter
63. Radio Stations: Local NPR carrier
64. CD or Tape: CD
65. Animal: pink elephants
66. Store: subway is home
67. Scent: vanilla
68. Ice Cream Flavor: Strawberry
69. Teacher: Mrs Mickinly!!!
70. Game (any): ZOrk, Warhammer, and D&D
71. Saying? see my wizdom pages
Have you ever...
72. Loved somebody Sooo much it makes u cry!?yes
73. Smoked?: no
74. Drank?: no
75. Got drunk?: no
76. Got dumped?: nnope
77. Broke the law?: shure
78. Ran from the cops?: I don't run
79. Stole Something?: not in a very long time
80. Tried to kill yourself?: nope
81. Made yourself throw up?: now why would I go and do that
82. Gone skinny dipping?:2nd favorite insomnia activity!
83. Been In Love?: yes
84. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? not really
What first comes to mind?
85. Red: roses
86. Cow: steak
87. Pig: flight
88. Rubber: boing!!!!!
89. Socks: gotta change em!!!
90. Mirror: meg
Which is worse?
91. Making out with Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie? ZOmbie
92. Have your Tonsils or Appendix removed? What the hell!!!
The Final Questions.....(finally)
93. Who is your crush? I took 4 girls 15 minuts of nagging to elicite this information and
that's cause I had to go to the bathroom. SO you aren't going to find out here SO THERE!
94. Who was the person who sent this to you? EVAN
95. What do you think of the person who sent this to you? He fell in a canal
96. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Evan is so cool
97. Do you like filling these out? well I should they got a dedicated space on my webpage
98. How many people are you sending this to? conctering that this is going on my
webpage... I dunno
99. Who are you sending this to?you know what that's just an odd question
100. Who will send it back?no one