Ginger Heights Hospital
Dr Brett Mahler(most respected doctor around)
Dr Jim Madison(Brett's colleague and most trusted friend)
Nurse Paula Rooney(a young nurse at the hospital who is dating Brett)
Nurse Bess Sherman(head nurse and out to get Paula)
Jonathan Ginger(the hospital director who strictly forbids relations between workers and is the mayor's cousin)
Brie Rodriguez(the new sexy nurse at the hospital)
Ginger Heights golf links
Desdemonia Darling(golfer, Jett's arch rival)
Jett Smith(golfer, Desdemonia's arch rival)
Ginger Heights TV station
Stephanie Pendant(the station's most popular young reporter)
Gregory Kin(Stephanie's handsome co-anchor who is sleeping with her)
Bill Bengar(the station's producer who wants to keep Stephanie's reputation spotless for good ratings)
Rufus McNare(the cameraman who is unnaturally obsessed with Stephanie)
Eliza Anderson(the station's weather girl who is dating Richard Ginger)
The Ginger Household
Mayor Joseph Ginger(mayor,duh)
Violet Ginger(Joseph's bitchy second wife)
Anastasia Ginger(a rebellious teenager who is Joseph's child from his first wife)
Joseph Ginger 2nd and Cordelia Ginger(Joseph & Violet's bratty, spoiled kids)
Richard Ginger(the mayor's hot young brother who lives off of the family money and is unemployed)
Joseph 2
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