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  July 20, 2002                                    Sorry I slacked yesterday ............

       Man, it's 12:21pm and I woke up not too long ago so I'm kind of groggy so bear with me. Yesterday me and my friend Shannon went to see Eight Legged freaks and that was a decent for a few  cheap 60's laughs and thrills...and David Arquette was great as usual.  Anyway, afterwards, we went to see my brothers band, Three Fold, play at The Mast in El Dorado (35 min east of our hero's town, Magnolia) and they rocked...Yesterday and today are their last shows ever before they part for Austin at sporadic times this summer and fall.....Ah Austin, if I didn't want to go to Orlando so much I might would move there too, but man, Disney will be the bizomb.  Oh, if anyone likes or wants to see the Tragically Hip at the House of Blues in Downtown Disney they will be there so lets get a group together and go see them...should be a great show...I've never actually heard a song from them, to my knowledge, but there such a part of pop culture that I have to check them out...I'm going to download some songs today I think...maybe tomorrow....hmmm...yes...Ok, about 20 min. has passed since "....hmmm...yes..." and I've heard snippets of their albums and I don't know what to think of them...they sound cool....but anyway, if anyone wants to go see them in October email me and we'll hook it up and bus overt there...Man, I can't believe I'm going to get to take our acoustic guitar, and when I say our, I mean my twin brother and I share it, but now he wants the Chet Atkins Dave Matthew's plays, or used to play...I like his black one, that's awesome, I'd think even having a shiny black guitar would make your songs that much cooler...You could rock 10 TIMES AS HARD! (thank you Jack Black, you're the coolest).  I bought Dashboard Confessional AND the Vines the other day (btw, the vines is only 7.99 at Wal-mart!) and they both are excellent. well, I haven't listened to the Vines all the way through...just 2 1/2 songs and they both kick arse! Anyway, I'm going to hear their band play once more tonight....can't stay long though.

Dashboard Confessional

The Places that You've Come

to Fear the Most