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  July 26                                    Actually it's July 27 but I haven't gone....

in theory, an Austin Powers Goldmember poster should go here, but that is what you are expecting, so I wittily placed this here instead....actually I'm just too lazy to find one...there...I said it.

           to bed's only 3:16 am though....anyway, I didn't want to slack on another journal entry so I decided to just go ahead and look some (twin peaks) things up on the internet and write to you guys (the few there are) out there and tell you that Austin Powers Goldmember was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen...I emphasize funny, cause if you expect anything out of this to go as the other movies have as in storyline-wise or any other-wise then don't...It was actually so funny I didn't mind a lack of relationship between Austin and Foxy Cleopatra, who actually had a crappy part but played it well....(good ol' beyonce) Also there is absolutely no closure in the not mentioning of a certain felicity shagwell [Heather Graham, also in Twin Peaks btw] at all in the movie...that would have been useful....They left this movie to where it's pretty much closed as to another sequel, except for a door they left at the end...anyway, if there is a sequel, it will have to be much more creative and funny than these three'll see if you get a chance...but i'm just saying if you want to laugh harder than you have in a while, go see it now...

Yeah Baby!!!