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  July 29, 2002                                  Tool and the neverending Gripe King

Dear Diary,

Ahem, sorry, always wanted to say that....well tomorrow is a big day. I'm going to see Tool, one of my favorite bands, as well as Tomahawk who I haven't heard yet, but includes, the lead singer of faith no more, the drummer from helmet the bass player from the melvins and the guitar player from Hank Williams the 3rd (Woo-hoo!)....I know I should be all excited but i dont know if I have reason to be until tomorrow....strange you say...yes. very.  Let me Explain...Well, me, my brother, and a girl, Lauren from Little Rock are all supposed to all get our tickets from scalpers with her police officer dad to threaten anyone who would dare break the law by selling their ticket at a higher price than paid for....until today...well good ol' Lauren WON V.I.P. passes to Tool on the radio....Sounds great? yes, only on the outside...You see, she was so excited she forgot to ask how many she will receive. I am told now it's either 2 or 4...that's the predicament...if it's two, then my brother who has a "thing" with this girl will get to sit with her close to the front while I sit in the car or am lucky enough to find a ticket on the floor at a reasonable price all by myself. I like to enjoy myself in the presence of others, and though Tool is one of my FAVORITE bands I don't feel like going to a final concert here with all of my friends and sitting away from everyone.... Perhaps you guys understand cause my weird brother doesn't ...he just says "Quit griping, you're going to get a ticket nah nah nah...." <insert retarded whiney noise here>   


but just what did we wonded?

....and here as I write this, wonder boy just walked in here, asked if I had the phone (for ransom), and knocked over some pictures only to return and say "Oh don't bother getting up, I'll get them," very sarcastically...Does that make sense to anyone else? Perhaps I am on a soap box here, but that is not right in anyone's world but his! He knocked the pictures over...he should pick them up.  That's the way it works isn't it? I mean, I don't mind picking them up, all the way across the's what a brother should do, but he just knocked them over on his way out turned back picked them up and made such a sarcastic comment.  Meanwhile I am powerless to do anything, cause wonder boy is perfect and if I say ANYTHING about it at all, I'm labeled as someone who gripes "all the time."  It's like I'm trapped in some  weird twilight zone episode and can't get out...well I have something to say about that....I AM getting out...I leave one week from today, and I think maybe they'll appreciate me more once I'm gone, and there's a slight chance I could do the same.  Sorry to unload this on you guys, but I need to get this out somehow and my un-private journal is all I have. I do feel much better now though so I'll just go back to being nice little evil twin for now.