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Comic Character

Height: 5'5"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Age: 24 yrs (If wasn't frozen would be 51 yrs)
Sex: Female
Race: Sayian
Status: Evil
Info: Born on the planet Vegeta as a high class Sayian, who was ruled by Freeza like the rest of the planet. When returning to planet Vegeta from a planet clearing job, she witnessed planet Vegeta's destruction. She became enraged from the site and turned Super Sayian! She avoided being seen by Freeza and Coola; and decided to follow Kakarot's space pod. She planned to use him in the future to help her destroy Freeza. But she hit a magnetic feild which malfunctioned her space pod's controls and she was put into frozen suspension. Her ship's computer became confused and caused the ship to orbit a moon until it recognized it's destination and sent her towards earth. (This is when the comic takes place) On earth she found that she has been frozen for 27 years and Kakarot has grown and never completed his mission. She believes he has allied with Freeza, and decides that he must die also!

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Alyssa Saga
A female sayian named "Alyssa" arrives on planet earth to find that Kakkorot hasn't destroyed it. Born on the planet Vegeta as a high class Sayian, who was ruled by Freeza like the rest of the planet. When returning to planet Vegeta from a planet clearing job, she witnessed planet Vegeta's destruction. She became enraged from the site and turned Super Sayian! She avoided being seen by Freeza and Coola; and decided to follow Kakarot's space pod. She planned to use him in the future to help her destroy Freeza. But she hit a magnetic feild which malfunctioned her space pod's controls and she was put into frozen suspension. Her ship's computer became confused and caused the ship to orbit a moon until it recognized it's destination and sent her towards earth. (This is when the comic takes place) On earth she found that she has been frozen for 27 years and Kakarot has grown and never completed his mission. She believes he has allied with Freeza, and decides that he must die also! There is a huge battle and the z warriors are defeated when she transforms into the sayian ape creature. She is about to destroy Gokue who is really hurt from the battle when suddenly her head is sliced off! She is defeated but by who? The sword weildng man in the mask is about to destroy gokue but gohan stops him and ask "why he is going to kill his father and who he is".

Dash Saga
His name is "Dash". Allso from the planet Vegeta. He is half sayian and half Tuffle (the race destroyed bye the sayians on vegeta). His mother (a sayian) and father (a Geneticly advanced Tuffle soldier) were part of the last hidden rebels of Tuffles fighting for survival. They were finially found and destroyed but Dash as a small child survived. He watched the sayian race in order to develope his power supplied to him by his sayian blood. Then he decided to fight a sayian but was swiftly defeated. He decided to leave the planet and train on a war ravaged planet known as "Devonia". The aliens there nearly destroyed him when suddenly he became a super sayian and destroyed them all. Confident in his new power he went to return to planet vegeta to find it no longer existed. He concluded that the sayians must have destroyed themselves. But He knew there were probably sayians still in the galaxy who were on missions and away from the planets final destruction. He then searched the galaxy for evil races to destroy in revenge for his family's deaths. He finially found a sayian space pod heading for earth and followed it to a nest of more sayians (Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and Alyssa) to take his revenge on. But he noticed that they all for the most part were allso "Super Sayians", and noticed that the female was weakening the others and herself substancialy. Using this to his advantage he sat back and watch till he could swoop down and finish the job. Convinced of Goku's good ways, he leaves to seek out other evil.

Kyaa Saga
The Kyaa race's home planet, "FREEZON"! Arriving on the planet Dash remembers that these creatures are the beings who even ruled over the Sayians. They knew that he was coming because they have been monitoring Earthsince King Cold's and Freeza's deaths. They prepared for him by cloning The female sayian Alyssa. They battle and he is defeated by her increased powers and he dies. thus the "Death Saga" Begins. Dash is revived back and becomes super sayian three. He finds that the female sayian is being controled and he destroys the controls. She joins him and they must then fight the Kyaa people, and Alyssa must fight princess Ice (Freez's sister). Alyssa turns Super Sayian 2 and defeates her foe. They leave the planet and are shot by an space ship and pulled into it by a traction beam.

Death Saga
Dash's soul is in the next dimension as a little light sprite waiting in line for judgment. Dash is thinking to himself "were am I?" When suddenly Beelzebub burst into King Koenma's office screeming. He says "that someone is trying to take his father, King Luifer" (Dabura). He needed the strongest warriors to help him fight the enemys off. Supreme Kai starts to gather souls and has king Koenma rise them into forms, and Dash is one of them. They start fo fly down King Koenma's desk to HELL, on the way Supreme Kai explains that without the demon lord the balace of this dimension would be comprimised. Dash pulls his arm away and says what's in it for me? Supreme Kai says "Life of course"! They arrive to see a crowd of villians grasping onto Dabura, as Majin Babidi stands laughing. Babidi says, "Soon you will be mine!". Beelzebub says that they are strong and that he couldn't hold them all back. Supreme Kai ask Babidi what the heck is going on and he tells them "I am gathering the strongest evil warriors in all the dimensions, to obey me. In fact once I have the demon lord I'm going to the darkest planet in the galaxy to capture the creature known as Zarkon. Then with my army complete he will steal enough energy to raise the evil Majin Buu!". Then Babidi takes control of Dabura and a "M" forms on his forhead. Then the Kai group is attacked by the evil squad as Babidi and Dabura walk into a dimension portal. Dash turns Super Sayian 2 and is still defeated as well as Beelzebub. So Beelzebub says that he has a plan that requires both of them since none of the others are allive. They fuse to create "Super Sayian 2 Beelze-Dash (angel/Demon)". They destroy the villians. Dash is granted his life back and he is farewelled by Beelzebub and the Supreme Kai.Kai must continue his search for Babidi.

Red Ribbon Legecy Saga
On bored they find themselves facing a creature called Celebuel. He explains that he was the result of a experiment gone wrong by Dr. Geroe. He like many other experiments were supposed to be destroyed, but with an intelect like geroes and the technology that remained from his destruction he became powerful. In fact he has been the one supplying the Kyaa's with their monitoring systems and cloning technologies. He absorbed all of geroes other creations and because he is like Cell, he has transformed into an ultimate power. But he wants to absorb the sayians too, so he used the kyaas as bait to lure them to him. They began to fight and he defeats them both but decides to rejuvinate them in order to at their fullest potential and then absorbe them both. But he did not expect Alyssa to transform into a super sayian 3 and Dash to transform into a Super Sayian 4! Finially he is defeated!

Ruin Saga
They find a peacful planet, settle down and have children. They have a girl and boy, who are by chance, full blooded sayians (Dominate gene pull, I guess!:). They were out in the woods searching for mushrooms when they came across old namikien ruins. They venture into a old cave like temple and maneuvor through traps to find a vault holding seven purple dragon balls. They take their findings home and their father tells them the story that goku told him while he was at earth for a short time. They all get excited and decide to make wishes. But after awakening the dragon they find that the dragon is the god of evil and melds itself with the dragonballs. It is invincible and begins to destroy the planet by burrowing into it and absorbing its core. The parents try everything but they can't hurt it. So they turn into their ape forms and fight it. But it kills Dash and badly wounds Alyssa. Enraged by their father's death the kids try to fight the beast too. But he eats them! Alyssa snaps into a powerful explosion of energy while still in ape form and transfoms into a ss4 and then right into ss5! She smashes the dragon into the planet's core. But the dragon is immortal and has the magical powers. It uses its powers to bring back dash as evil ss5, who easily tosses her to the ground in a single defeating blow. Her life flashes before her, she sees memorys of her children and her husband, and then remembers what her husband said about the dragonball's wishing powers. The dragon sees her smerking and ask why she smiles? She then makes a wish. She wished that the chldren had never found the evil dragonballs. Then suddenly the balls burst out of the dragon blowing it to peices in a array of light that as it hits the ground revives it as it was before. She finds herself awaking by her husbands side. She jumps up and runs into the chldrens room. They are missing, she runs into the woods looking for them and finds them at the entrance of the temple and stops them. She hugs her children and puttting them safely behind her she turns super sayian 3! Crying from the memories placed in her mind by the events that happened she turns Super sayian 4 and creates a blst that turns the temple into a crater. She turns back to normal and she takes her kids home.

They live happily ever after, or do they?


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