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Daily Thoughts

my thoughts of the day: based upon the "bicycle" philosophy, by Danton and Jon. Girls are like bicycles. First, you start off with a tricycle, you know, to learn how to pedal, but it doesn't really mean much to you, and they're quite hard to fall off of. then you are blessed with a small "cute" bike. a true two wheeler. you think "all right! a real bike!" but then you look down and you still have your training wheels on. oh well. you get courageous one day and decide to rip those suckers off. first thing out of the driveway- you fall off. after a few scrapes and scratches, maybe a broken bone or 2, you finally master the art. but you know what? you will not master the art if you take your training wheels off too soon. you've got to wait for just the right moment. sure, you'll still crash a few times, but choose the road with little traffic, and you wont get crushed too many times. when you've got the hang of it, and quit running into things, you get a "big boy bike". its the best thing you've ever had, and its brand new. the bike has no scrapes or scratches. if you get the new bike too soon, you will get scrapes and scratches on it. now for the philosophical part. you've got to start somewhere with girls. then when you've had some wrecks, maybe a big one, you realize that you need to slow it down, wait for the right moment for everything. easier said than done, i know. but be patient. you know that you're going to get a bike, you might even have an idea of which bike it is, but wait for it. theres a nice shiny, red bike with frillies coming off the handlebars waiting on YOU. you'll get it eventually.