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The Adventure of Duct Tape Man

Part 2: Racquetball



Today, Duct Tape Man decided to work out by playing a game of racquetball. Adam tried to serve first, but Duct Tape Man would not have it. HE had to serve first.




After all, he is a super hero.




Duct Tape Man got the hang of it really quick. He ended up beating Adam 5 games to nothing!




Adam got angry at Duct Tape Man as he stood there smiling his goofy smile. So he got EVEN!!!




The ball nailed Duct Tape Man right upside the head!



The forceful blow knocked him off balance, but it is a good thing that his friends were there to catch him.




Duct Tape Man had a lot of fun playing racquetball! So we decided to carry him home, but you know that Duct Tape Man...




...he had to run home again!


